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Last Week’s Workouts + Why I Review My Weekly Workouts to Improve Future Ones

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After only running one day the week before last as I try to kick this plantar fasciitis, I was so happy that things felt dramatically better in last week’s workouts! I was pretty aggressive in my treatment plan with yoga, needling/scraping AND a super intense massage. (My massages are NOT relaxing.) And it all seemed to help. I was able to run nearly pain-free on Saturday. But… my foot was seriously hurting again when I tried to run earlier this week.

And now, reviewing last week’s workouts, I definitely overdid it. I ran 8 miles on Saturday because it felt so good and I’d missed it so much. And that was probably too big of a mileage jump from the previous weeks. I also did some pretty intense cross-training and never took a full rest day. Although I could argue that golf can kind of count as rest since we used a cart and didn’t walk the course, but I was exhausted when I got home so I don’t think it was actually restful. 🙂 Fun, very. Rest, not quite.

Last week’s workouts

M – AM Hot Vinyasa + evening cross-training

15 min elliptical warm up

5 rounds:

  • 20 bicycle crunches
  • 15 slamballs (15#)
  • 10 push-ups
  • 5 burpees
  • 250m row

Finished in 16:58, including stopping to tell someone trying to talk to me that I would talk to them later. (See this post to weigh in on whether or not it’s weird how often I get interrupted at the gym.)

T – 4.2 miles, 8:18 pace

This was my first run in a week!!! My plantar pain felt okay. I gave it a C+

W – Hot Vinyasa + Needling/Scraping + Massage

Yoga was ahhhmazing, and needling and scraping were INTENSE. Oof. My PT said my calf was much better from the previous week’s session though!

I had a massage that night and he worked on my plantar and heel even more, working the cross-grain of my foot fascia. Holy shiznit. He also spent a lot of time working on my back and neck which are a total mess from all the computer and phone work I do.

Th – 6 miles, 8:22 pace + 6 holes with Tommy

Running felt a little clunky with some shooting and tingling in my foot, but I could tell it had improved a lot from the previous day’s bodywork. My calf was actually much grumpier than my plantar. So I think if I can keep my calf loosened, my PF will be much easier to keep under control.

Tommy and I played a few holes after work and I absolutely love our time together on the golf course. It’s a great way to catch up and connect, away from the daily to-do’s at home and device distraction. And we’re trying to get as much in before our golf course closes for over a month while they re-do the greens.

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F – CrossFit

  • Back squat: every 2 minutes for 8 sets complete 3 reps (start w/ moderate load and build over sets of challenging sets of 3). I built up to 125#.
  • 12 minute amrap:
    • 15 2 arm db front squats 50/35 per arm (I used 20# dumbbells)
    • 15 chest to bar pull ups (I scaled with 8 pull-ups + 7 ring rows)
    • 15 2 arm db shoulder to overhead 50/35 per arm (I used 20# dumbbells)

I feel like back squats hadn’t been programmed in MONTHS so I was really happy to see them in the WOD!

Sa – 8.2 miles; 8:28 pace

Everything felt sooooo much better on this run. My calf didn’t bother me at all, and while my foot was tight at times and a bit sensitive on my heel, I felt about 80% better. I finished with 4 hill repeats towards the end of my run before running home. But again, looking back at this workout, hill repeats were probably NOT a good idea while I’m still rehabbing my plantar fasciitis!!

But hey, at least that day I was super happy and giddy at the end of my run!

Su – 9 holes with Jodi

I am so glad I found a golfing buddy! Jodi and I met at a mutual friend’s birthday party and were so happy to discover the other golfed since women golfers our age are hard to find! I loved getting to know her and we’re about the same skill level so it was perfect. We had a great time at the Reynolds Park golf course, and I can’t wait to play with her again. (Jodi – I just ordered a carry bag so we can walk the course rather than drive!!)

Part of the reason I love golf is that I LOVE the outdoors. And I can only run so much (even when I’m not injured). I used to hike a lot after work when I lived in Utah (which I totally took for granted) and hiking in NC just isn’t the same as Salt Lake City, where I could be on some prettiest amazing trails in about 15 minutes. (It takes much more planning for a decent hike from Winston-Salem.) But, with golf, I get to enjoy the outdoors, be active without wrecking my body and make new friends.


Total Miles: 18.5

How I’m Feeling: Well, a bit sheepish, if I’m honest. I think I was a bit dumb with how much I did last week while I’m trying to get rid of my pain. But, it’s really helpful to review my weekly workouts to identify issues like that to help improve things going forward. So, with that in mind, I’m resting tonight even though the WOD looked great. 🙂

P.S. We still don’t have our hot water heater replaced. (If you follow me on Instagram, you might remember this all started about 3 weeks ago.) Our home warranty company, HMS (which is part of the Cross Country Home Services company) is a nightmare. I’ve been showering at our gym, at Adam & Alise’s house and at the yoga studio since I cannot STAND cold showers. All the more reason to workout less, right? (Update: I just took a cold shower tonight after walking Maizey in the crazy humidity. It wasn’t thaaaat bad. 😉 )

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    2 responses to “Last Week’s Workouts + Why I Review My Weekly Workouts to Improve Future Ones”

    1. Thanks for sharing! I’m inspired. I’d love to split up my workout into 2 shorter sessions. But I hate showering more than once a day and doing the face routine. Plus my face gets super dry. Any tips, as I consider your skin perfect and I know you are busy 🙂

    2. Egads-home warranty companies are the worst! I think they figure if they drag it out long enough you’ll give up and pay to fix it yourself. Our (covered) a/c broke in July in FL a couple years ago and it took weeks!

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