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How I finally improved my double unders

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I’ve been doing CrossFit for about a year and consistently (3-4x a week) for 6 months. And it has annoyed the heck out of me that I haven’t been able to do double unders. Occasionally I’d have a day where I could get them but it was never consistent. Mostly I just walked away with LOTS of lashes on my arms and legs.


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Part of the problem is that the ropes at gyms were always too long for me (I’m a shorty – 5’1″) and not the best quality of ropes. I’d had it on my wish list to buy my own rope for months so when HumanX reached out and offered me a X4Speed Rope, I obviously jumped on it (heh heh heh).

MuscleX Speed Rope

It has steel bearings to help with a smooth, consistent swing and has really nice handles (which I wasn’t expecting to notice, but they did give me a better grip!) The length out of the package is 9 ft but it can (and should be depending on your height) shortened. When you step on the rope with one foot, the handles should come up to about your armpits.

My awesomely nice coach at Top Tier shortened the rope for me one morning at 6 AM (thanks Mike!) and on my FIRST TRY with the new rope, I hammered out 20 double unders, no problem. I was in total shock. And I was able to keep doing it over and over. I knew a new rope would make a difference, but I didn’t know it would make THAT much of a difference.

A few other tips I’ve gotten from coaches at the gym: Keep your hands pointing down with your arms straighter with less bend at the elbows. Focus on flicking your wrists and not moving your arms. Think about lifting your head up to the ceiling. I still struggle with all of these, but eventually once they click, they should help me be more efficient with dubs!

We’ve had 3 workouts since I got the rope with double unders, and it’s been so awesome to be able to do them instead of attempting and failing over and over (which takes a lot of time in a WOD!) or just switching to singles. Double unders give me a way better cardio workout too, but wow, I had no idea they would tear up my calves so much! I’ve been so sore! 🙂

Luckily HumanX also sent me a Muscle Recovery Kit with a deep tissue roller, muscle release ball and a pinpoint peanut so I can work out my tight calves after killin’ double unders 😉 (and everything else that gets sore from CrossFitting and running…which is basically everything!).


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    46 responses to “How I finally improved my double unders”

    1. Facebook pages are liked! (And great job on finally getting the double unders!)

    2. This is awesome! I’d love to be able to do more than one double under!!

    3. i have the same problem–too short for most standard jump ropes! i need to try the shortening method! liked your fb page!

    4. I liked both pages and could really use the muscle recovery kit! My IT band is TIGHT!

    5. I’ve been wondering what your double under tip was. I’d love to try this rope!! I liked both facebook pages!

    6. Ok well this tip is a little disappointing because I already have a rope… but it’s a little different than most of my peer’s ropes, so perhaps I just don’t have the correct one!

      I liked both pages! Congrats on getting your dubs 🙂

    7. Liked, tweeted and hoping to win because I suck at double unders too!

    8. I liked both pages (Chrissie Nelson) and I tweeted!!! (@chrissie_beth). I would love a jump rope (still holding out on buying one and new shoes) so even if I don’t win I might look into buying one anyways!

    9. I already follow you on Facebook, but I also “Liked” the HumanX page! I have a new rope on my Christmas list, so this would be awesome!

    10. What a rad giveaway! I’ve been meaning to get my own jump rope for too long now! I already liked your page and did so with HumanXGear too! 🙂

    11. Liked both pages! I hope i win! Been trying to get those DU forever now!! Good job!

    12. like and liked!
      Thanks for the opportunity. I am just getting into the world of cross fit. So fun

    13. Hooray for your PR on the doubles! I liked your Facebook page, love keeping up with your adventures in Winston!

    14. I don’t have fb or twitter but I’m following you and HumanX Gear on instagram so hope that counts 🙂 @lizchin6

    15. Already liked your Facebook page and just liked HumanX Gear as well!
      Great job getting your dubs! I can only imagine how satisfying that must be! I’m working on it but so far… #allthelashes.

    16. Hi! Thanks for this helpful post, I have been browsing ropes to by to try to help master my double unders also! I just wanted to let you know that the rope you linked in your gear page seems slightly different than the one in your post here based on the pictures you posted and the description… Thanks again looking forward to trying this out!

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