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The Weekender: Favorite links & last week’s workouts + new running shoes!

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Happy Sunday! This weekend has been so busy but so fun. I started my Saturday with a short run and then headed to Top Tier for an in-house competition. One of our coaches, Mike, is going to the national CrossFit Games (so amazing!) so our gym manager organized the event to help raise money to send him to Wisconsin, where the games are this year. It’s bittersweet since it’s amazing he’s going to the games, but he takes a red-eye home from the games and heads off to basic training the next day since he decided to join the army. We will miss him so much at the gym and as a friend, but it’s so impressive that he’s choosing to serve our country. The in-house competition was SO fun and Tommy and I hung out there most of the day before grabbing a late lunch with our friends afterwards. There was a great turnout from multiple gyms!

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I had so much fun with our team. We decided at the very last minute to do the competition, and I’m SO glad we did! It was a blast! Thanks for making it happen Brooke!!

Our Sunday has non-stop too. We went to church this morning, had pre-marital counseling afterwards, went from there to grab lunch, then had our cake tasting (more on that later this week with Wedding Wednesdays!), then went to an open house (no luck!), and have been running errands and catching up on work this evening. Alright, onto my favorite links from the last week and last week’s workouts!

Favorite Links:

  • Exercise on Vacation: Essential or Pure Evil? I’ve posted over the years about how I approach exercising on vacation here, here and here.
  • The Secret to Being Photogenic – I thought this was cool because it mentions Wake Forest Univeristy, which is a located in Winston-Salem. And I’ve bbeen incorporating this trick into my photos arleady. I’m not sure if it’s working for me. 😉
  • Gimme! Haagen Dazs’ New Non-Dairy Flavors. Guess they’re trying to keep up with Ben & Jerry’s who rolled out non-dairy flavors earlier this year too.
  • Leave your phone at home, it will make you smarter. A recent study by the University of Chicago showed that keeping a phone nearby, whether on your desk or in your pocket/bag is more likely to make you cognitively “dumber.” The best strategy for increasing your mental capacity is to keep your phone at home. The simple explanation: your brain uses energy to monitor when your phone is near to you. More details here.


Last Week’s Workouts:

M – 6 miles, 9:04 pace

T – 4.6 miles, 9:04 pace

W – Golf lesson!! (More on that soon!)

Th – 5.7 miles, 7:33 pace. I’m very loosely following a training plan for a half marathon, but it’s been SO hot and humid and honestly, I’m pretty mentally drained lately. So on this day, I threw my plan out the window and just ran. And I shocked myself. It’s like I needed the freedom to run however I wanted, and I ran so much better.


Sa- 4.6 miles, 8:14 pace with Christian (yay for blog friends becoming real friends!)


Total Miles: 21.9 miles

How I’m Feeling: Good! My mileage was about 1/2 of what I ran the week before and I think it’s always a good idea to have a “down” week after a high mileage week. My left hamstring and glute are still being finicky, but luckily my massage therapist was at the CrossFit thing on Saturday so I got a 10 minute freebie session! Thanks Ashley!

New shoes  – New Balance Zante 3

I also got new shoes this week – the New Balance Zante 3. When I start to feel extra creaky and shoes just feel flat, I know it’s time to rotate in a new pair. I also track the total mileage on my shoes using Strava and rotate in a new pair around 300 miles. I love my New Balance Zante 2s (review here), and after one run, I really like the New Balance Zante 3s! They still have the cushion I like, but they feel more responsive than the previous model (similar to my Adidas Adizero Bostons – review here). It’s like the Zante 2 and Adizero Boston’s had a baby and the Zante 3 was the beautiful result. 😉

Current Sales

I didn’t pull in current sales this week since the Nordstrom Anniversary sale is happening! SO much good stuff! Here’s my post about what the sale is and why it’s the best sale of the year, and here’s my post with my initial picks!

I’ll do a few more posts with deep dives into a few categories (like shoes, activewear and jeans) so let me know if you have a request for what I do first! I also keep adding to my Shop page so check that out too! (There’s a section of my picks from the men’s stuff at the bottom! I may surprise Tommy with some things. 😉 )

I’m off to get ready for bed. I hope you have a great week!!


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    9 responses to “The Weekender: Favorite links & last week’s workouts + new running shoes!”

    1. I was at a Crossfit competition this weekend too! But.. not competing. It was super amazing to watch the competitors though. The gym that hosted the competition has a bunch of people going to the Crossfit Games – how amazing right!?


    2. I have been looking for a new brand of running shoes – Mizunos aren’t cutting it for me anymore 🙁
      Would you say the New Balance run true to size?

    3. I absolutely love those shoes! It’s always important to have cute work out/ running shoes 😉

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