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The Weekender: Last Week’s Workouts & Current Sales

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My latest weekly workouts, including nearly 43 miles of running! 

Happy Monday! My morning started out with an easy run that didn’t feel very easy. My left hamstring is so tight it feels like it’s ready to snap, and then right as I was about to walk out the door for work, I discovered that Maizey had thrown up 3x while I was in the shower. Sigh. If you subscribe to my email newsletter, you know she was sick all weekend, but I thought she was on the mend. So, I’ll call the vet this morning and see what they have to say. She had her annual visit on Thursday with shots and bloodwork and she’s been sick ever since. Poor girl.

Anyway, onto the recap of last week’s workouts! It was a good week!

Last Week’s Workouts

M – 9.1 miles, 8:10 pace

I almost turned back after 2 miles. Everything hurt – shins, left glute, back – and then it suddenly all broke free, and I just wanted to keep going. So I did. 🙂

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Tu – 7 miles, 8:49 pace (so flipping hot and humid!)


Th – Track workout: 5 x 1mile with 3min jog between each mile + warm-up and cool down. 9 miles total, average 8:00 pace.

I wasn’t even close to my goal pace on the 1 mile repeats. The plan was was to hit 6:35 on each mile, but I could barely eek out a 7 minute pace. I was so hot and felt so sluggish. But I stuck it out and I’m glad I did.

F – 5.7 miles with Cameron, 8:07 pace

Maizey was up a LOT Thursday night so I only got about 4.5 hours of sleep. I almost cancelled on Cameron, but I figured running would make me feel better. It did…but I was exhausted by 8pm that night.

Sa – 12 miles, 8:35 pace

Maizey was up again on Friday night so I slept in a little and didn’t get out to Salem Lake until about 8:45. It was so hot and I should have carried water, electrolytes and fuel. Not smart on my part. It was almost 90* by the time I finished, and I was wiped. I laid low most of the day afterwards and chugged nuun all day.


Total Miles: 42.9

How I’m Feeling:

Despite the 4th of July holiday throwing me off my routine + some sleep issues when Maizey was up all night for 2 nights in a row,  I still had a really solid week of running. I was really excited to see that I hit almost 43 miles, and part of me wanted to run on Sunday just to hit 50 miles. 🙂 I don’t think I’ve ever run that many miles in a week – even at my peak training week for the Wrightsville Beach Marathon, my highest week was 44 miles. But reason prevailed, and I took a rest day since I was feeling pretty beat up. I hurt my lower back deadlifting a couple weeks ago, and while running actually feels okay (sitting is the worst), I’m trying to be smart about things.

But…this morning’s run re-emphasized that I’ve got to do something about this left hamstring. I’ll try ROMWOD this week and if that doesn’t help enough, I may go get needled again. I was getting needled 2-3x a week during marathon training, and my mileage was usually only in the mid-30s. So, we’ll see. Someone hold me accountable to stretching, mmmm k? I LOVE my Roll Recovery for knots and tight spots (especially on my quads and calves!) and use it 4-5x a week. But, I think I still need to lengthen my muscles with stretching. Maizey agrees.


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