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Last Week’s Workouts + Why I love “no structure” runs to manage stress

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Hi there! Today was a DOOZY at work. Back to back meetings ALL day – ugh. And my calendar is the same tomorrow. I can’t WAIT for our honeymoon to get a vacation from work. I kind of keep forgetting that I get a honeymoon after the wedding since I’ve been so busy planning said wedding + moving + buying a house! But wah, anyway, everyone has yucky days at work. That’s why it’s called work, right?

Let’s get on to last week’s workouts! Lately, I’m trying to schedule intentional “no structure” runs since my brain and body just need to zone out and not worry about pace. Hard workouts are taxing not only on the body, but also on the mind. And right now with all the craziness happening, I need some mental downtime. I’m trying to get in one “quality” workout during the week and anything else is a bonus.

When I’m training for a race, I typically have 1-2 easy runs + 1 interval run + 1 tempo run + 1 long run during the week and I try to do strength 1x a week. Right now, since I’m not really training for a race, I’m just going with the flow!

Last week’s workouts

M – No structure run. 4 miles; 8:05 pace (It was SO windy so I was shocked by this pace!) + my first Megaformer class at Body Mind. (I liked it! Holy core workout.)

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T – Solo full-body workout. I kicked my own butt – I was drenched at the end!

  • 15 min elliptical intervals
  • 3 rounds of each combo (15-20 reps):
    • Bicep curls, hamstring stability ball rolls, tricep pull downs, jump squat
    • lat pull back, bicycle crunches, lateral jump squats
    • bench press, shoulder rotations, hammer curls, jumping lunges
  • 10 min elliptical intervals

Similar bra | capris

W – Interval Day. 7.5 miles, 7:43 pace

  • 1.5 mile warm-up
  • 2×1200, 2x800m, 2x400m, 2×200
    • 400m easy running between each
    • Increased pace as the distance decreased
  • 1 mile cool down

Th-  No structure run. 6 miles, 8:16 pace

F – Long run. 8.8 miles; 8:59 pace. I ran with a friend and the fog was so dense during our run – I loooved it. It’s so nice starting runs in the pitch black and finishing in the daylight — as long as I’m with someone else! I don’t run in the dark by myself. I’m grateful when I have friends I can start extra early with when it’s still dark!

Watch (I can’t live without that thing for running) | shorts (OBSESSED – so comfy) | tank | shoes

Sa – Bootcamp at Top Tier CrossFit + PACKING DAY

  • 20 minute AMRAP
    • 40 lunges
    • 30 situps
    • 20 wall balls
    • 10 kettlebell swings

Su – Last run from my apartment! 4.4 miles, 8:08 pace + MOVING DAY. Oy. That was a workout!

Total Miles: 30.9

How I’m Feeling: Pretty good! I didn’t realize that I didn’t take a rest day last week until just now as I looked at this. I usually take 1-2 rest days a week, either intentionally or just because my schedule dictates it. It’s a fine line between exercising to manage stress and making stress worse by overtraining! Last week, I think all the workouts were definitely helping to manage stress and I plan to take it a little easier this week!

What do your typical weekly workouts look like?

This towel sums up mine. 😉

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