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Weekly Workout Recap (including CrossFit with my nearly 70-year old mom!)

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One of my favorite things about having my mom visit is that she is always up for trying new workouts. The last time she visited, she watched Tommy and me do Crossfit, but couldn’t participate because of a severely rolled ankle. When she went home, she started doing CrossFit in Utah and has been hooked. Nine months later, on this visit, it was really fun to do CrossFit together! She turns 70 this year and regularly deadlifts 85 lbs. She is so amazing and I couldn’t be prouder of her!

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similar tank | shorts | shoes | watch (my mom is wearing my Nike Metcons)

Alright, onto workout recap!

Workouts Recap

M- 4.2 miles; 8.36 pace + CrossFit

  • Back squat, 4×10, 105#
  • Metcon: 5 rounds for time, 10:45.
    • 8 KB swings
    • 8 burpee box jump overs
    • 8 KB swings

Tank | shorts | shoes

Weeeeee! Look at me fly! 😉

T- 4.6 miles with Ali, 8:41 pace. This was such a good run for me mentally. I was feeling stressed and overwhelmed, and Ali always has amazing words of wisdom!

W- Crossfit

  • Bradshaw hero WOD. 10 rounds for time, 23:43
    • 3 handstand push-ups
    • 6 deadlifts 135#
    • 12 pull-ups
    • 24 double-unders

Th- 5.7 miles with Kate, 8:24 pace (oy I was stiff from CrossFit)

F- 3.3 miles, 8:30 pace + driving range outing!

  • I snuck out for a quick run while my mom slept off some jet lag! That night, we went to the driving range and it was so fun! Tommy was ADORABLE teaching my mom, who had never hit a golf ball in her life. My heart exploded a million times over.

capris | shoes | shirt from Draper CrossFit (thanks mom!)

Sa- CrossFit with mom!

  • Metcon, for time. I finished in 18:25 and my mom finished 19:45.
  • 3 rounds
    • 50 double unders
    • 20 wallballs
  • 35 calorie row
  • 2 rounds
    • 50 double unders
    • 20 wallballs
  • 25 calorie row
  • 1 round
    • 50 double unders
    • 20 wallballs
  • 15 calorie row

We were both a sweaty mess afterwards!

Su- 5.0 miles; 8:24 pace

  • This was a fun buddy treadmill run w/ Kate. We started outside but the wind and rain was BRUTAL. So, we quickly turned around and ran side by side in my apartment gym instead. It was empty at 7:30 AM on a Sunday so we just chatted away. (And that way, Kate could run 8:00 pace and I could go slower. 😉 )

Total Miles: 23.2

I’m SO grateful for a mom who set the example to be healthy and active. She’s been running for FORTY YEARS, has done hot yoga for years, Pure Barre, and now also does CrossFit. I’m going to have her do a guest post for the Run Around!! She’s such an inspiration.

Alright, I’m off to prep dinner! Pan-seared salmon + wild rice kale salad from Run Fast Eat Slow!

Who is your health and fitness inspiration?

Need more ideas for weekly workouts? Go here to see previous posts!!


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