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Fashion Friday + an Update on Moving!!!!

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Happy Friday!! It’s been a while since I’ve shared some recent outfits! The weather has been all over the place lately – hot, chilly, rainy, humid – so you’ll see a mix of outfits. A LOT of items are on sale, so be sure to look for where I called that out under the photos. I also FINALLY have an update on moving so don’t miss that at the bottom!

Recent Outfits

Dress: similar here | shoes | purse (on CRAZY sale!! 70% off!)| earrings

I’ve been wearing this combo over and over – I love gray jeans in the fall. (Sorry for the tiny picture! I accidentally deleted the original so I had to snag this from Instagram!)

Top | similar jeans | sandals | watch

I loooove this dress for the fall transition weather since it looks adorable with a denim jacket when temperatures drop in the afternoon and evening.

Dress (50% off!! only $24!) | jacket (30% off with code FRIDAY)| sandals | purse | necklace

This top is also a great fall transition piece since it looks great with dark jeans and pointy toe heels or booties for date night.

Top (40% off! Only $35)| shorts | sandals | earrings

This outfit is probably my favorite combo of the summer. I need to find a way to transition it to fall! Any suggestions?

Top | skirt: similar here | shoes | purse | belt

We went to a wedding and this is my go-to dress for weddings. I didn’t really like the heels I paired with it, but I was running late and didn’t have time to change. But at least those heels are shockingly comfortable which was nice for dancing!
Dress: similar here and here | shoes: similar here | bracelets

I wore this when I was in Atlanta for work and I was so excited to pull out my studded heels! They feel more like a fall shoe to me and I LOVE them! Top: similar here | skirt: similar here | shoes: similar here and here if you’re VERY fancy 😉 | purse

I posted this in my birthday recap post, but wanted to post here too since I LOVE this pairing. Jeans + black cami + gorgeous heels will always be my favorite date night combo. 🙂

Frayed hem jeans | heels | top | earrings

Moving Update

WE BOUGHT A HOUSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If you’ve been reading for a while, you know that we’ve had a really hard time house hunting. It’s been extremely emotional and I’ve cried a lot during the process since we made offers on FOUR houses before we got this one. (And all the offers we made were within 24 hours of the house being listed.) We were honestly shocked when we got this house given all that. We LOVE this house and all along we knew that the right house for us would come along, that it would all work out, and it certainly did. (Although, even though we knew God would open the right door, it was still gut-wrenching.)

But…there is some craziness happening. I have to move out of my apartment since my lease is up and they’ve already filled my space and move in with friends for a week before we close on the house. I have to store all my belongings and then move into the house and then shortly thereafter my family arrives for the wedding. INSANITY. (Oh and on top of all that, I just found out that I’m moving to a new team at work with a new manager. Oy.)

So, um, yeah, things are nuts right now. It’s all very very good things but I’m often feeling VERY overwhelmed. I’m SO grateful for Tommy and how well he handles me when I’m stressed. 😉 And we can’t WAIT to come home from our honeymoon and have a house together. God is good.

And Maizey can’t wait for a yard. 🙂

terilyn signatureterilyn signature

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    22 responses to “Fashion Friday + an Update on Moving!!!!”

    1. Holy smokes you have a ton going on! Wow. Congrats on the house!!!

      I love your style! I need you to help dress me. 🙂

    2. Hi Teri,

      My husband and I are considering a move to North Carolina in the New Year, and are set on buying a house. We both work remotely so location isn’t an issue. Is there any particular reason you can share as to why the house buying process was so competitive in your area? We’re in Denver currently and the market is INSANE. North Carolina seems like a much cheaper option for us, as first time home buyers.

      • I can’t speak for Winston, but the Raleigh- Durham area sounds really similar- houses will literally sell in 24 hours. I think the state is growing faster than new builds are going up? Also lots of gentrification in our area, which makes it difficult if you have a budget. New homes are SUPER expensive for what you get, and replacing the moderately priced homes.

        • Thank you Michele for your insight! We’ll be traveling to North Carolina next weekend to assist with our final decision making. I’ll definitely be keeping this in mind when considering the pro’s and con’s of relocating.

      • It really depends on where you want a house, the price range you’re looking for, and the time of year you buy. The market has gotten more competitive, but it still depends on what you’re looking for! Our dream house here has been on the market for over 6 months (but no one is buying it because it’s about $100k overpriced…)!

        • Thank you Lex for the advice! Your words give me some hope that we’ll be able to purchase our first home next year. I did notice houses seem to sit a bit longer in some areas of North Carolina, which could definitely be due to the listed price. Appreciate it!

          • Hi Stevie! I echo all of these comments! We just happened to be looking in very popular neighborhoods and in a price point that is moving quickly right now. It’s a hot market depending on what you’re looking for/where you want to be but other areas are more “normal.” I would be prepared to move quickly on houses though. You’ll get a feel for it quickly!

            And, I hope you end up in NC. I LOVE IT HERE. 🙂 Let me know if I can help with anything at all!

    3. Yay! Congrats on the house!! I just bought a house too! 🙂 The condo I was renting sold, so I’ve had to move in with my parents until my house closes. But even then I can’t move in right away bc the sellers are renting it back from me until the home they’re building is finished. I hope your new team at work turns out to be a good thing. Sounds like you have lots going on right now and it can all be stressful, but glad it’s good stuff to look forward to! 🙂

    4. Congrats on the house- such exciting news. We picked our place 100% on what our dog would like most and haven’t regretted it- backyards are the best. Also love that green dress.

    5. Yay so exciting! I can’t believe you have ALL that going on, but it will be so worth it in the end. Congratulations <3

    6. Congrats on the house!! So exciting! And I love all your outfits. Maybe the floral skirt would be cute with a tied chambray top and peep toe booties for transition to fall?

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