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Moving Weekend

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Happy Monday!!! PHEW, it was a doozy of a weekend. I was on my feet literally all day Saturday and Sunday from 6 am until 10 pm. We packed Saturday and we moved me out of my apartment yesterday. It was kind of a nightmare moving out of the apartment, dealing with the elevator, but we got it done. (You can see some of the move on my Instagram storiespivot!! Oh, and don’t miss my huge Beautycounter giveaway on Instagram!)

We have AMAZING friends who helped us move and then made us dinner at 9 pm a night. Oh, and they let me store a ton of stuff at their place and move in with them for a week, no big deal. We’ve been overwhelmed by the love of people who have done so much for us in this move. So many people have helped in different ways! We have wonderful people in our lives.

We finished the day exhausted but happy and grateful. While I was SO ready to be out of that apartment, we had so many good memories there, including getting engaged. And it’s the last place Maizey and I will live with just the two of us, which surprisingly made me emotional. It’s been us girls for a while and we’ve been through a lot. But we are both SO excited to be a family with Tommy! 🙂

Before we took the last load down to the truck, Tommy and I sat in the window sill and reminisced a bit. (I’m not much of a crier…but see cry face below. Never mind that I mentioned in yesterday’s post about crying during the house hunting process. Moving is emotional!)

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And thank you, my lovely readers, for all the congrats on our new house!! It’s so much happening right now but so many good things. This morning is my first at Adam and Alise’s and it’s really, really lovely. It’s like having the best roommates in the world and I have extra time in my morning since I don’t have to walk Maizey. Plus, it gives Tommy and Maizey some bonding time before the wedding. 😉

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    6 responses to “Moving Weekend”

    1. Moving is one heck of a workout!! Can’t wait to see your new home & see you two lovebirds get married! <3

    2. So glad you got the move behind you! I always feel like moving into a place is easier than moving out, except that I spend so much time cleaning everything like a crazy person first! Ha! Sounds like you had some great memories in the apartment. I’m typically pretty emotional, but for whatever reason I didn’t cry when I moved out of my place last month. Maybe it’s because it happened so fast and unexpectedly, but I have also been looking at it as a fresh start to a new chapter. Hope work gets less crazy for you soon! At least you have the wedding and honeymoon to look forward to!!

    3. Oh gosh, I can totally relate. We are really working to get our house on the market this month, and while I am so ready to be closer to family and out of the city, I can’t really even picture packing up our house without tears welling. We bought our house a year before we got married, so all wedding prep took place there. I can remember putting together our invites at our crappy old dining room table, that was intended to be temporary but in reality was there for 6 years. We brought our babies home to this house after three long weeks in the NICU. We just have SO MANY memories here, and I’m equal parts SO READY, and NOT READY AT ALL to move on.
      Wishing you all the best with this crazy, exciting chapter!

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