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Last Week’s Workouts: a 40+ mile week and CrossFit

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Hello hello! My weekend flew by – I had my long run on Saturday, which takes up about 1/2 of my day by the time I run/shower/eat/recover and then Tommy and I went to Durham for a birthday party. It was for my close friend Tasha, whom I hadn’t seen in well over a year. It was so wonderful to see her. We used to work together and I really miss having such a close friend just a few steps away!

a foodie stays fit

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Sunday was church (our sermon and music was SO good this week) and lunch with friends at Burger Batch, and then I took Maizey on a long walk before looking at a few houses with my realtor. Grocery shopping and dinner (pineapple jalepeno pizza) took up my evening. Now we’re back to a work week and I can’t believe it.

pineapple pizza gluten free

Here’s what last week’s workouts looked like!

Last Week’s Workouts


T – 11 miles, 8:45 pace

I did this run at night since it was cold in the morning but it would be warm by the end of the day – I was so excited to run in shorts & a t-shirt! I rarely run after work but it was so relaxing. There was less traffic, I wasn’t rushing to get into the office, and the dark made it feel like I had the whole world to myself. I stayed on main roads in the neighborhoods so I never got sketched out in the dark. (I’m easily spooked!)

reflective running vest

W – 5.7 miles with Ali, 8:55 pace

Th – 9 miles, Yasso 800s (6x) + warmup/cooldown + CrossFit

  • Repeat times: 3:12, 3:16, 3:11, 3:14, 3:13, 3:15
  • Yasso 800s are a predictor workout for marathon finish time. The goal is to run 800m repeats in the minutes and seconds that match your goal hour and minutes of your marathon (e.g., 3:15:00 marathon goal = 800s 3:15). And, you take equal recovery jog between, so I took around 3:15 rest in between each repeat.
  • I wasn’t really sure what to expect out of my repeats since it’s been years since I’ve done this workout so I was REALLY happy with my times.
  • CrossFit was 6×3 strict shoulder press (I worked up to 60#) and then a 10 minute AMRAP (10 box jumps, 10 clean & jerks, 10 handstand pushups). I used 65# and used one mat for my HSPUs.

F – RomWOD, focusing on lower body stretching

Sa – 18.25 miles, 8:25 pace. I ran the first 10 miles with my friend Kate and then finished solo. I was so happy after this run and that I was able to do the distance at a strong pace.

wrightsville beach marathon training

Su – REST. I took Maizey on a long walk.

maizey a foodie stays fit

Well, really a walk and a long sit in the park. She mostly wanted to sunbathe since it was such a beautiful day. I’m obsessed with this turtleneck from Lululemon – it’s so cozy and the perfect weight for random warm(ish) afternoons in the winter like yesterday. I like throwing it on after running or CrossFit too. (The sneakers are the ones I blogged about here and the jeans are Paige from Nordstrom; these are the exact pair I’m wearing. I love the way Paige jeans fit my muscular thighs and have multiple pairs.)

lululemon two ways top

Total Mileage: 44 miles

How I feel: Pretty good. I’m using this tool to keep an eye on my weekly mileage increase to help keep injuries at bay. My IT band acted up around mile 11 on my long run on Saturday. Although, I’m wondering if it’s not my IT band since, while I feel pain around my knee, it radiates down my leg in my calf and ankle — not up my leg towards the top of the IT band. Also, the pain is worse on uphills, not downhills (which is typical with IT band pain) and seems to lessen if I increase my speed so I must alter my stride at a lower pace. I have on my to-do’s this week to schedule a massage and an appointment with my PT for needling. Since my marathon is 7 weeks away, I don’t have time to mess around! 😉

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    13 responses to “Last Week’s Workouts: a 40+ mile week and CrossFit”

    1. And I’ve been looking for a new pair of black running tights? Do you highly recommend the Nike ones listed in this post? 🙂

      • ah, thank you!! I wasn’t sure if it looked good pulled back like that since I ALWAYS part it and was a little self conscious, but I’m trying to mix things up! So an extra thank you!! 🙂

    2. Are Paige jeans good for small waists? I have sort of muscular thighs, definitely a muscular big booty, but a very small waist and have so many jeans problems. I’m also tall, & I think I’ve heard Paige is better for petite people, but wondering mostly about the waist since I’m sure you have a small waist too!

      • They’re the best I’ve found for muscular quads/thighs and a small waist too! I like the Verdugo style (which is what the black ones are that I linked). Nordstrom has an amazing return policy so may be worth ordering a few to see what works for you! I’ve also liked some Madewell jeans, which Nordstrom also carries.

    3. Hey Teri! Any gift ideas for bae for Valentine’s Day? I am actually laughing out loud at myself for using “bae,” but in all seriousness I’m looking for a gift for the hubs. Have you gifted Tommy anything recently you’d recommend?

      • hahaha! so funny you used “bae” and so funny because I ALMOST posted Valentine’s Day gift ideas today!! But I changed my mind. I’ll try to do a post tomorrow. But, in the meantime, check out my Christmas gift ideas for guys – they work great for Valentine’s Day too! I actually got a couple of the things on there for him for V-Day last year. (I’m getting him a sports massage this year. I doubt he’ll see this haha. 😉

        Let me know if any of the things don’t work – it’s obviously a couple months old and I’m happy to track down the right links for you!

        Another great idea is a TGT wallet. Tommy has one and ALL his friends have bought them since I got him one last year for his birthday. They all love it. I blogged about it here:

        • Teri, you are the BEST! Thanks for sharing! I just read your V-Day post, too, and TOTALLY second the male pedicure! If my husband–a tough Army ranger who spends 90% of his day in a macho environment and who’s idea of a getting ready for a big night out means wearing a new scent of Old Spice–likes to enjoy pedicures, any man will LOVE them! Tommy will so love his sports massage! Great idea.

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