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Last Week’s Workouts + training for my first marathon since 2009 (Wrightsville Beach!)

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Hey y’all! If you’re subscribed to my email newsletter, you know that I finally registered for a marathon! I signed up for the Wrightsville Beach Marathon on March 25. Originally my plan was to try to qualify for Boston at that race, but that’s no longer my primary goal. (But hey, if it happens, AWESOME). My primary goal is to get comfortable with the distance. (Or as comfortable as one can get with a marathon distance. ha!) I haven’t run a marathon since 2009, and honestly, the distance intimidates me. My long training runs intimidate me. The fear of getting injured intimidates me. So, I think before I put the pressure on myself to BQ on top of all that, I’ll be happy with just completing the marathon — and then perhaps train for a fall marathon when I can push my training/pace more.

I’m using a Strava training plan again (it’s what I used for the Mistletoe Half last December when I PR’d) but I’ve had to tweak it a bit. I’m behind schedule since I took a couple weeks off to let my IT band recover when it first acted up, so I’m changing things a little each week from what it outlines. I regularly text my friends Anna and Michelle for their input on my training and have emailed with a few readers about it too (hi Sara!).

Last Week’s Workouts

M – 6.1 miles, first 5 averaging 8:15 pace and then a 1 mile “run” with Maizey (more like a jog/walk/stop/sniff/walk/sniff/stop/jog)

T – 7.1 miles, 3 x 2000m at 6:55 min/mile pace + warm-up/cool-down. Averaged 7:44 pace.


Th – 6.5 miles, 7:55 pace. I ran in shorts & short sleeves! It was almost 60 degrees!

wrightsville beach marathon 2017

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F – 4 miles, 8:10 pace (treadmill) + 20 minutes upper body strength and core work


Su – 15.25 miles, average 8:25 pace. It was 28 degrees when I started this run. Agh! It was so rough after the warm runs earlier in the week. I was so glad that I ran the first 6 miles with my friend Ali because (a) I LOVE her, (b) it helped me get out the door early, and (c) a friend makes it so much more tolerable to run in the cold.
Wrightsville Beach Marathon

Total Miles: 39.1

How I feel: Ehhh, okay, I guess.

My runs have been feeling good and I’ve been feeling strong, but my IT band acted up at mile 9 on Sunday. It wasn’t horrible and I could run through it, but I was annoyed it came back. But, I also didn’t stretch much this week. It’s so easy to talk myself out of it once the pain stops. I have GOT to stick with it!! I also didn’t make it to CrossFit (other than taking Maizey on a walk there and we watched Tommy do the WOD 🙂 ). It’s hard to stick to their programming while I’m doing such high mileage since I’m pretty picky about which workouts I do and on which days. And if the prescribed WOD isn’t something I’m comfortable with given my training plan, I skip. I just have to play it by ear each week and be comfortable with that! I definitely won’t stop entirely since I think CrossFit has made me a better runner, but right now, I can’t wreck myself at a WOD expect to still run well. 🙂

Hope you had a great week of workouts too!

My Running Gear


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    5 responses to “Last Week’s Workouts + training for my first marathon since 2009 (Wrightsville Beach!)”

    1. Would your coaches mind if you modified the WODs? I would have a discussion with them, letting them know your primary focus is the marathon and see if they would be willing to let you change up the WODs so you could still enjoy CrossFit but not burn yourself out. You could always “sandbag” the workouts, keep the weights really light or less reps so you can still do it, but your legs won’t be screaming afterwards. Just a thought!

      Good luck with your training. Marathon distance is insane to me lol.

      • That’s a really good idea. I’ve tried to talk to them about some workouts when I’m there, but mostly I just skip. I should have a conversation with them as a whole, rather than about one specific workout, so I can still go. I was considering cancelling my membership for a while. Surely they’d rather work with me than have me cancel. Thanks for the suggestion!

    2. Yay! I’m super excited you are training for a marathon! I’m not but I love following your race training! I’m sorry about your IT band! 🙁

      Question – is there any stretching/recovery you make yourself do every day or after every run even if you are feeling 100%?

      • That’s so sweet of you to say that you like following my race training! 🙂 I really appreciate the support!! Let me know if there is anything specific you’d like me to blog about.

        I try to do short stretching for my glutes, hamstrings, calves and quads after every run. Just the basics. Then, I try to do 2-3 RomWOD sessions a week. They’re designed for crossfitters, but I find the deep, long stretching is ideal for tight runner muscles too!

    3. I am currently training for my first full marathon! Mine is March 4th Myrtle Beach. I have done 6 half marathons and various other shorter distance races) but all within the past 2.5 years!
      I just wanted you to know that your pace is inspiring to me and since I found your Instagram and blog I often think of your pace/times on my run. I get so excited when I can maintain a faster pace for longer runs! Thanks for the inspiring posts.
      Love reading your blog!

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