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How I Met My Husband

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In honor of Valentine’s Day (one of my favorite holidays!), I thought I’d republish the story of how Tommy, my husband, and I met over 5 years ago. Loving him is so easy. I am so grateful I get to love him every day and especially on this LOVEly day. Oh, and speaking of Valentine’s Day…enjoy this story of our first Valentine’s Day when we were dating. It still makes me laugh.

How I Met My Husband

How I Met My Husband

In short, Tommy and I were set up by mutual friends. The longer story is that it took me a while to agree to go out with him. Oops.

In the fall of 2014, I had fairly recently gotten out of a long-term relationship and was enjoying my time alone. I also knew that I was planning to move to Charlotte in the relatively near future. So when my friends, Matt and Meg, mentioned Tommy repeatedly, I said I didn’t want to go out with him. I didn’t want to go out with anyone. Matt knew Tommy from golf and CrossFit and was convinced that we would instantly hit it off, so he was persistent while Meg starting telling Matt to leave me alone since I had told her I didn’t want to date. (Yes, she’s a good friend. :))

After hearing how great he was, I, ironically, didn’t want to go out with him even more because I hadn’t been in the dating scene for a while. I was nervous about dating for many reasons. And given how much they raved about him, I wanted to make sure I put my best foot forward when/if we did go out. That, and the whole moving to Charlotte thing.

Matt, Meg, another couple, and I had purchased tickets to see Garth Brooks. I had an extra ticket that, for the life of me, I couldn’t give away. (And NOT because Garth isn’t awesome.) I was a wee bit protective of the ticket because seeing Garth has been on my bucket list since I was a teenager so I was very particular about who I asked to come with me… I invited friends and family who are equally huge Garth Brooks fans, including a brother from Utah, a friend from Philadelphia, a friend from DC and a few local friends. No one could go.

It was getting close to the concert and Matt finally convinced me to take Tommy. He promised that Tommy is the least awkward person I could go out with and that I’d have excellent moral support with good friends at the concert with us. Pictures of Tommy may have helped his case too. 😉

I was a little bit awkward when we all drove to dinner and then to the concert. But I eventually loosened up (cough, after a few beers) and had I loved Tommy’s personality, his humor and then he totally impressed me when he knew all the lyrics at the concert. I’m so happy our friend Zac took a picture of us at the concert.

How I Met My Husband

After the concert, I knew I was definitely interested, but I got the sense he didn’t feel the same way. Luckily I was wrong. He got my number from one of our friends the day after the concert and reached out that day to ask me out. I was traveling to Utah and San Francisco the next week. So we ended up going out the following Monday, just a few days later. Our first “real” date was awesome…we talked non-stop and I was blown away by how much we had in common and how much I laughed with him. It was the least awkward first date I could imagine.

We started going out regularly after that, but I was still planning to move to Charlotte so that was bad news to deliver to him after dating for a few weeks. He totally took it in stride and we both wanted to keep seeing each other after I moved. We would meet halfway between us in Salisbury, NC, for Wednesday dinner dates and take turns driving to Winston-Salem or Charlotte to spend time together on the weekends. And then eventually, I moved back to WS.

How I Met My Husband

Flash forward three years, and we got married in front of our family and closest friends. (You can see more photos from our wedding here and here. And here’s our wedding video.) And it’s been an amazing two years of marriage, despite some serious challenges thrown at us. I can’t imagine anyone better to do life with.

winston salem wedding graylyn


Now my turn to ask you guys! How did you meet your significant other? 🙂 Tell me in the comments!

And oh my gosh, this photo from the original time I published this post. we both look like little babies! (Well, let’s be honest, Tommy still has a baby face.)

How I Met My Husband

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    53 responses to “How I Met My Husband”

    1. LOL I met my significant other at an AA Meeting. Not for us! We were there supporting friends who needed to attend and we met. We have been together for 19 years and I could not imagine life with out my loving and very supportive husband.

    2. Steve and I both worked in the library at University of Chicago. We also both ran at the gym after work. He offered to teach my friend and me how to play raquetball in exchange for dinner. Turned out he really did not know how to play! Didn’t know any of the rules. We took him to dinner anyway, despite my friend being annoyed that Steve really didn’t know how to play raquetball and was getting a free dinner. I thought he was adorable and funny and, although he was 5 years younger than I am, the rest is history. Our 36th anniversary will be in August.

    3. We met bowling…long story short(ish) – I was going with my friend, at the time, and her boyfriend. We knew he was bringing two of his friends…but it ended up being two different guys, and one with his then-girlfriend (who is my now boyfriend! Haha #snagged). We totally hit it off in conversation and just being around each other. Soon enough, he and his ex split…and I immediately started talking to him over Myspace; gosh, this was so long ago! We made another date to go bowling and that was it! We bowled for maybe a half hour before talking for close to three. He’s sort of the best – we’ve been together for 7.5 years!

    4. You’re so brave for asking him to the concert, I would have been in panic mode haha. I am about to move from DC to Seattle so I’m in the exact same, “NO dating” mentality, I can totally relate.

      Y’all are the cutest, thanks for sharing the story! I LOVE hearing how people meet 🙂

    5. I met my husband Dave in a grad class. We made small talk but nothing futher until we were at a young professionals happy hour and we basically only knew each other. We ended up hitting it off and chatting all night!

    6. Such a sweet story! Love the pics, too! You two are adorable together! Proves that taking chances pays off. 🙂 I’m still waiting to meet a great guy, and hopefully I’ll have a fun story like yours one day!

    7. i have been dying to hear the story. He seems fabulous. I feel like he has a look to him that makes him seem like he just fits with you and in your family! I know you are not planning on babies but if you guys did have babies they would be the cutest babies in the whole world!!! You guys seem perfect for each other. It makes me happy every time you post a picture together. I love you Teri and miss you terribly!!! Please let me know when you are making a trip home again. I would LOVE to get together. I saw Brianna a couple weeks ago for the first time since I got home from my mission 7 years ago. It would be so fun for all of us to get together.
      I think you have heard how Sam and I got together. He came out to visit me while I was living in St Thomas. We had a week together and fell in love. 4 months later we were married. Now we have little Brooks who is in no way named after our friend Brooks in case you were wondering ???? We couldn’t be happier. Unless I had more Teri in my life that is????

      • hahaha oh man I miss you!

        And I totally was like LIZZIE… BROOKS?! Glad to know it’s nothing to do with that. HA!

        It would be fun to all get together! I keep telling Tommy how much he’d love St. George – so much golfing!! are you still living there?

    8. I don’t have a boyfriend but online dating is the pits. I listen to an advice podcast and one caller called in asking where to meet men because online dating is the pits. The host suggested she ask friends if they know anybody so that is going to be my new thing! I’ve already got a few friends I want to ask so I’ll see how it goes!

    9. I met the boy on okcupid. He had recently moved to the d.c area from new York and was looking to meet people. We are both so so so lucky to have eachother.

    10. I met my husband at my first overnight horseshow when I was 9 I told my sister (and anyone who would listen) I met the boy I was going to marry. It took him 18 years to figure it out. He was worth the wait

    11. you two make one good looking couple & would make some cute babies 😉 So happy for you! I’ve been reading your blog for so long & it’s great to “see” you so happy!

    12. Christian Mingle! We were looking at houses together after 6 mos. We’ve lived together for over a year now & just got engaged. 🙂

    13. You guys are totally adorable together! My husband and I were also set up by mutual friends who kept insisting and we all met for dinner at Cajun Queen on 7th (his first and only blind date). We just celebrated our 10-year anniversary in May and still go there a couple times a year.

    14. Cuuute! Love this!!! I met Chris through his roommate Joe, who I was friends with in architecture school. We met at one of their house parties but it wasn’t until a few months later that we actually hung out. Chris was trying to court me through Joe, haha. I was not looking for a boyfriend (had just broken up with someone) but he was persistent. We hung out nearly every day and after 3 months I finally called him my boyfriend. haha 🙂 And now…12.5 years later he’s still pretty great.

    15. this made me smile so much. i love that we were texting so much when this was all happening!!! even your first dinner date…ahhh! love you and so happy for you!!!

      • I know!!! I love that you totally consulted me through all my early dates with him when I was so nervous! Love you!! And um, we need to get back into our regular texting habit. Miss you.

    16. Love reading stories on how people met! My husband and I met on the city bus! We took the same bus to and from work and would see each other on and off. It turned out we had gone to the same high school, but at different times (he’s 4 years older), and one day he saw me wearing an old shirt from our school. He thought, who’s this cute girl I don’t know from school? And so, we starting chatting. Which led to a few dates… and the realization that he was moving 1,700 miles away in a month. We did long distance for a year and will celebrate 6 years of being together and our 1st wedding anniversary this summer! Good ol’ public transit! 😀

    17. Awww I love this! You two are so cute together! Tom and I met 7 years ago through mutual friends. We are both from the same hometown and I was in upstate NY for grad school, he just moved to the same town for work. One of my best friends said she needed to introduce us so i could show Tom around town and introduce him to some new people. We met up with our friends at a bar lol and exchanged numbers. We met up a week later, went out pretty much all weekend and the rest is history 🙂

    18. Great story! I met my husband in college – he was a 3rd year and I was a freshman. My college dorm mate talked me into going to a martial arts class with her at the Rec center and he was the teacher. We dated for a few months and then he broke up with me because he was doing an internship far away but I told him “you’re it for me!” and knew we’d get back together, which we did, 8 months later! (Ironically, I dated other people in that time and he did not! Hahaha). Now we’ve been together 10 years and married for 2!

    19. I LOVE your story!! So cute!

      My husband and I met when we were on the same relay team for the Texas Independence Relay! He was a last minute fill-in because someone else ended up with a business trip to Dubai that weekend. We were in different vans for the 200 mile relay, but talked during and kept in touch after. We went on our first date a few weeks later, and have now done the relay 4 times together: met, dating, engaged, and married. I haven’t always believed in fate, but there’s very little chance I would have met him otherwise! Glad he answered the call & was adventurous enough to jump on the team without hesitation!

    20. What a sweet story, so happy for you! I met my husband when we were 5 and 6 years old but we didn’t start dating until we were 16 and 18. We broke up for awhile while we both went off to college and then found each other again (couldn’t stay away from each other really) and ended up getting married. So I guess you could say we are high school sweethearts though I totally hate that term!!

    21. We met snowboarding in Canada. He was speaking German to a friend of his and being Swiss, I asked him why some Canadian would speak so well. Turned out he’s German…15 years later and back in Europe, we still go snowboarding together!

    22. You know Brent and I met at Science Camp!! haha. Loved hearing more deets about you two in this post! Now I just need to meet this cutie 🙂

      Also – you have some really nice readers who made some super sweet comments here! The internets can be so mean, and this warms my heart.

      • haha I LOVE that you met at Science Camp! You DO need to meet him. Visit soon!!!! Or, I’ll bring him to you hopefully sooner than later!

        I know – I had the same thought. The internets can be so mean and my readers are wonderful. So grateful!

    23. I met my husband on a train! We were both traveling from Chicago on New Years Day and he sat next to me. We ended up talking the entire 4 hours home and exchanged numbers as I was collecting my baggage (his stop was 1 after mine). We, too, survived me moving away for a job while dating-Ann Arbor to Houston!- and then he moved to be closer to me and we got engaged shortly after. Happy Valentines Day!

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