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What my dog taught me about managing stress

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It’s currently 5:45 AM and I woke up before my alarm at 5:30. It’s still dark out so I’m waiting for it to get a little bit lighter before I head out for my run since I am running solo and running in the dark freaks me out a little. (Anyone else?) I was in bed by 10:05 last night, which is about 30 minutes earlier than normal and it’s amazing what a difference that makes.

The last two nights have been pretty chill. I’ve been crazy stressed out at work (which I feel like I’ve been saying for a while) and I’m just exhausted by the end of the day. My days are non-stop from the moment I wake up – wake up, drink coffee, make bed, get ready for my run, drive to my run (if I’m meeting someone), run, shower, breakfast, work work work, leave work, walk Maizey, CrossFit or run errands/do stuff around the house, make dinner, hang out with Tommy, get ready for bed.

My life is full and I LOVE it, don’t get me wrong, but I’m never “off”. I never just veg. I’m never not doing something. I take pride in the fact that I’m super productive and multitask and get so much done and blah blah blah. But that’s not really sustainable all the time.

On Wednesday night, I took Maizey for a walk and she just stopped at one point and wouldn’t move. I knew she wasn’t hot or tired, so I couldn’t figure out what was going on. I finally just sat down after about 10 minutes of standing and she sat down next to me. It was like she was waiting for me to get it. That she didn’t feel the need to keep walking, which I view as productive (that pesky productivity trap) to get her some exercise and mental stimulation, but that she just wanted to sit, be still and take in our surroundings.


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We just sat there for 30 minutes and watched the sun go down. It was a quiet evening downtown, not many people out, despite it being such a pretty night, and sitting with my girl was just what I needed. (I told Tommy and my snapchat friends that Maizey took me on a date to watch the sunset:) )

And if it wasn’t for Maizey making me sit down and just be, I wouldn’t have realized that’s what I needed – to just do nothing. I love my busy life, but at some point, my energy stores just get tapped out, and I need to recharge by being alone and not doing something productive.

Before last night, I couldn’t tell you the last time I sat and just watched TV or sat and read a magazine. And while I probably won’t ever be the person that binges on hours of television, it’s nice to just zone out sometimes. To put my phone and laptop away, and to just sit (to just sit and watch Friday Night Lights, which I’m newly obsessed with – almost through season 1!).

I’m headed out of town this weekend with some friends and I cannotwait. This weekend getaway couldn’t have come at a better time. And while I know I’m prone to want to take pictures of everything because I’m sure it will be super pretty, I’m also hoping to put my phone away, stay out of my inbox, stay out of instagram, and just be in the moment.

Thanks for the reminder Maizey. You’re the best.


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    5 responses to “What my dog taught me about managing stress”

    1. So I’m pretty new to running, and running in the dark scares me too. Any advice for running safely outside? Especially as there has been two news stories of women killed out jogging in the couple of weeks. It kind of freaks me out honestly.

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