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How we got engaged!

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Thank you for all the congrats on our engagement!!!

On Sunday, Tommy and I did a Facebook Live about our engagement story and I wanted to share it here in case you missed it! We’re obviously pros at Facebook Live based on the freeze frame of the video below. 😉

Our engagement story: how Tommy proposed!

I think the engagement was perfect. I love that it was just us, and that I was totally caught off guard. And I love that he involved Maizey. And, of course, I love the ring. 🙂

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I’ve had multiple blogging friends who have asked if I’m going to do “Wedding Wednesdays” with weekly updates on the wedding planning. Welllllll I didn’t know that was a thing so I hadn’t thought about it, but it could be a good way to share regular updates if y’all are interested! (I do well with structure and themes, see also: The Weekender & Friday Favorites).

So, let me know if you would would like me do Wedding Wednesdays. I definitely don’t plan to have the wedding overtake the blog and I may not have updates every week, but if you guys are interested, I’m happy to share as things progress!


I’m doing Wedding Wednesdaysyou can see all the wedding planning updates here!

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    4 responses to “How we got engaged!”

    1. So cute! So glad you shared the FB video. I vote “yes” on Wedding Wednesday!

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