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2nd Place in a 5K

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In other weekend news, John won a race yesterday and I took 2nd overall for females (I was 8th overall in the race). Wahoo! It was an 80s themed 5K race, and alas, I didn’t have anything 80s-ish to wear. But lots of other people were decked out in hilarious outfits.  John won the race in 19:26 with a 6:16 pace….even after going off course, running about 0.25 mile extra and STILL winning. ha! He is AWESOME. I ran a 21:41, average 6:59 pace.

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They didn’t have trophies for the winners, but instead gave out sweet jackets. This jacket is actually really nice – it’s a bit big but I’ll still sport it. John got one too since he won the race so we can be matchy matchy. Awwwww! 😉 

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My knee held up OK while running. Mostly, I just wanted to beat my coworkers who had been bantering all week about who was going to win. (It was a race hosted by one of our divisions to raise money for the United Way so a bunch of people from work were there.) They were all talking trash to each other and me until someone said to them, “None of you will win if Teri shows up.” ha! And then they googled some of my race times and promptly stopped talking trash to me. 😀 

Once I could tell that none of them were going to beat me and I didn’t think I could catch the first place female, I backed down my pace a lot. My garmin was a bit off but I finished and found out I missed my 5K PR by just 21 seconds.  If I’d known that, I would have pushed harder. The first place female ran it about 1 minute faster than I did, in 20:49, average pace 6:42. She came up to me afterwards and asked if I’d want to start running together since she has a hard time finding ladies to really push her. So I may have a new running friend! 🙂

Later in the day, my knee was aching a good bit but it feels fine today. It’s still not entirely healed up, even after 5 weeks. There was a big scab that I thought was just kinda hanging on so I pulled it off last week and discovered there was a still a hole healing up. Whoops. I’ll have a pretty big scar for a while I think and there is still a scab. But no one ever said knees were sexy anyway, right? 

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I’m thinking yoga is on my agenda today (my SI joint is aching a bit) and I’ve really missed yoga since my injury. Other than that, no big plans other than hopefully getting some more things hung on my walls and mopping the kitchen floor. Lotsa fun. 🙂

Have a great day!

terilyn signatureterilyn signature

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    14 responses to “2nd Place in a 5K”

    1. Congratulations to you both! I bet it felt great to start out your weekend on such a high note 🙂

    2. Winning a race even after going of course?! That’s pretty badass! Congrats to both of you.

      That sleep article makes me really want to reevaluate my daily routine. I’m guilty of a lot of those sleep no-nos and I’m always tired because of it!

    3. that is one fast time! i was patting myself on the back this morning for doing one mile at 745 lol. i am starting to finally incorporate speed work instead of focusing on distance. i’m running less and doing HIIT and i think i’m gonna find my inner speedster in a month or two 😉

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