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Wedding Planning Update 7 – it’s getting real!

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It’s been a while since I’ve done any wedding updates on the blog! I had grand plans to have this up on Wednesday, but I’ll just break the rules about Wedding Wednesdays since I made the rule for this blog and post on a Friday. 😉 Here’s what’s been happening in wedding planning land!

Thanked God for Marla every day

My wedding planner, Marla from Marla Lawson Events, is seriously INCREDIBLE. I don’t know what I would do without her. She is a huge part of what keeps wedding planning fun because it’s just a lot to keep track of on top of my full-time job, blogging, house hunting, and LIFE. Three of my friends recently got engaged and are also using her and they’re all thrilled. She’s so lovely and so organized and gets shiz done. She’s worth every penny. She met with my venue for a walk through to help think through set-up and design. I’d met with them before but design and layout is NOT a skill I possess, so I’m glad she was able to meet with them which helped inform our recent meeting with the florist.

Met with my florist, Green Bee Floral Designs

I blogged about Green Bee previously here, but this was the first time I met with them in person and it was so fun! I’m so grateful for the vision that they have + Marla’s input since she knows my wedding vibe and my personality. I probably wasn’t super helpful…they kept asking what I like and I’m like, I don’t know, those all look the same to me! I was better at pointing out what I don’t like. 🙂 Green Bee Floral does incredible work and I totally trust them and left feeling so happy!

Marla met me at Green Bee today with an Americano and notebook. She saw on my Instagram stories that my coffee pot was broken, and not only did she bring me coffee, but she remembered my favorite order! So incredibly sweet. And the notebook was perfect – I got out of the car and thought, “Crap! I forgot my notebook!” And then she had one there for me. She thinks of everything!

marla lawson events

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Planned honeymoon activities

Our travel agent, Heather Christopher, sent us a list of activities we can do on our honeymoon including hikes, sailing, golfing, spa treatments, so many things! I can’t wait! We already booked a couple activities, including a tee time. Better keep working on my golf game. 😉

Continued hunting for heels

I ordered the shoes I blogged about in this post and while they were BEAUTIFUL, they just didn’t feel like me, so I sent them back. I am now lusting over these and am trying to find them used or on crazy sale. I’ve looked on Poshmark and The Real Real. Any other ideas?

jimmy choo lance wedding

Booked make-up

I was on the fence about booking someone to do my makeup, but I’m all about minimal stress on the wedding day so I told myself if I found an affordable option, I would go for it. Carla White Beauty does gorgeous work and had great prices. Plus, she uses Beautycounter, which is what I use for my skincare and makeup. I had no idea when I first found her so that was a major bonus!

(Speaking of Beautycounter, their cleansing balm — one of my top 3 favorite BC products — is 40% off but the promo ends today, 6/23. If you want more info, shoot me an email at teri [at] afoodiestaysfit [dot] com and I’ll send you all the details! And if you want to be notified of future promotions as soon as I know about them, sign up for my Beautycounter newsletter here.)

Rescheduled engagements

We were supposed to shoot our engagements this week with Vesic Photography, but the weather had others plans, so we’ll do it next week. But, when we were in Utah, we had family pictures with Jolley Green Photography and got a few photos of just us. It’s like we got a bonus round of engagements! 🙂 (I can’t wait to see all the family photos too since it was pretty hilarious with 17 nieces and nephews.)

a foodie stays fit husband

Similar dress + wedges | Tommy’s jeans, polo, loafers
(and here’s how I curl my hair since I always get asked!)

It’s gettin’ real

Anyway, all the wedding stuff is starting to feel real! Something about meeting with the florist made it feel like it’s all coming to life. I’m so excited! October will be here before we know it!

Did you have your make-up done for your wedding?

You can see previous wedding updates here!



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    8 responses to “Wedding Planning Update 7 – it’s getting real!”

    1. I had my makeup done for the wedding though I still went pretty minimal. I wanted something natural and not over the top. I LOVED how it turned out! Even though I could have done it myself I (like you) wanted very little to worry about on wedding day and it was so worth it!

      P.S. I had the air brush makeup done and it was amazing. Lasted all day!

    2. I did end up having my makeup done, and I’m glad I did. While it definitely was more than my every day (almost nonexistent) wear, it looked nice in photos & didn’t feel cakey or gross like I was initially worried about. I would suggest a trial run if that’s an option for you. A friend of mine decided AGAINST it after her trial run. She looked like a clown!

    3. Getting your makeup done is a great idea. 1 – reduce stress that day and 2 – they know what looks good when photographed even if your style is minimal. I don’t like pictures of myself at all but the ones from my wedding day make me feel beautiful and natural.

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