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The Best Jogging Stroller (Thule or BoB)

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I had a pretty good feeling I would enjoy running with Thomas in a stroller once he was old enough. I loved running with miss Maizey and have missed her company while running and walking. So, when I found out I was pregnant, I immediately started thinking about future stroller runs! My son was pretty good company for nine months when I was running during pregnancy, but he didn’t say much. 😉

But once Thomas was born, he hated the stroller. I wasn’t running with him yet, of course, but he even hated being in our UppaBaby Vista stroller in the bassinet at first. Thankfully, now that he can sit up and look out, he LOVES the stroller! And now that he’s big enough for stroller runs and I am also able to run postpartum (THAT was a journey), we both love stroller runs with the Thule Urban Glide.

I waited until he was about 7 months old to run with him. Our pediatrician okayed it at six months, but be sure to check with your pediatrician since every baby is different. I’ve read that most babies have enough head control for stroller runs at 6 months, but I wasn’t in a hurry to run with him given some lingering pelvic floor issues I had after birth.

Thule Urban Glide 2 Jogging Stroller Review

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The Best Jogging Stroller: Thule Urban Glide 2

Sure, I’m a little slower with the stroller, but I don’t care at all. And even Tommy has decided he wants to start running again. So, my dream is coming true: running with my two favorite guys!

Here’s the deal. I’m sure I would like running with Thomas no matter what, but our stroller has made it SO much easier than I anticipated. In short, it’s a very smooth ride, Thomas is comfortable in it, and easy to push and maneuver. I share more details about why I love the Thule Urban Glide 2 Jogging Stroller in this review below!

Jogging stroller with baby

Thule Urban Glide 2 Jogging Stroller Review

The Thule Urban Glide 2 jogging stroller is one of my favorite baby-related purchases. I thought about it for a long time before ordering, since I already had the UppaBaby Vista and loved it. But since that stroller isn’t made for running and I run a lot, I decided to get the Thule jogging stroller too.

If you aren’t familiar with Thule, they are a Swedish company that makes bike racks, roof racks, cargo carriers, rooftop tents, and strollers. You’d probably recognize the logo from seeing it on cargo carriers on the top of cars on the highway.

The Thule has become one of our most used baby registry items. It’s on the pricey-er side for a stroller, but I do recommend it wholeheartedly if you are looking for a great jogging stroller.

Let’s get into the details.

Thule Urban Glide 2 Stroller Specs

What’s included?

  • Frame
  • Three wheels (the two rear wheels are larger, which is great for the city or outdoors).
  • Reclinable seat with a padded 5-point harness
  • Large cargo basket with a zip-top cover and mesh pockets – perfect for carrying a few toys, snacks, books, etc.


Stroller weight: 25.3 lbs

Weight limit: 75 lbs

Sitting height: 21 inches

Door pass through: 27. 2 inches

Packed size: 34.3″L x 27.2″W x 13.4″H

Handlebar height: 30.9″min – 45.1″max


Comfortable to use

If I had to choose just one word to describe it, it’s comfortable. How so?

  • It’s incredibly smooth to push.
  • It has INSANELY good suspension, which makes it comfortable for Thomas when he’s riding and for me when I’m pushing (especially since I like to run on trails). They advertise it as an “all-terrain” stroller and I agree.
  • The twist hand brake makes it easy to control on uneven terrain or downhill runs.
  • The adjustable handlebar is great for any parent’s height (this is important for us since there’s an 11″ height difference between my husband and me.) This stroller also has a compact fold, which is SO great.
  • It has a car seat adapters for a bassinet and an infant car seat, if you prefer to use the Thule for walks as well. I wouldn’t run with those, though!
  • It has a swivel front wheel that locks into place. I don’t use this often since my routes aren’t straight, but if you run a greenway, for example, this would make it even easier to push.
  • It has great lightweight design. I expected it to feel HEAVY while running, but it’s much easier to push than I expected, especially on flat roads. It’s difficult on hills but hills are hard even without a stroller! It’s a little heavy to lift into the car, but I can do it just fine.

In short, they’ve thought about EVERYTHING. Here are some other reasons I love it.

Easy to Find + Where to buy the Thule Urban Glide

The Thule Urban Glide 3 (the update version!) is going to be included in the Nordstrom anniversary sale this year which is super exciting. If this stroller is on your wishlist, be sure to check out which day you get shopping access in this post and add the Thule Urban Glide to your Nordstrom wishlist.

I ordered mine from Amazon a few years ago, and Pottery Barn Kids also carries it.(and they have multiple colors).

Adjustable Handle 

Like I mentioned earlier, Tommy and I have a height difference of 11 inches, so we need all of our strollers to have adjustable handles. The Thule adjusts from 30.9″ to 45.1″, which is great for us.

You press the blue buttons inside the handlebar to adjust the height.

Smooth Ride

It has great wheels and suspension, and it’s truly heavy duty (but not actually heavy!). If you were to use the Thule from birth with the bassinet or infant car seat adapter (not for running, but as a daily stroller), the smooth ride would also be a great pro!

Swivel Front Wheel

The front wheel of this stroller swivels, which makes it really easy to maneuver. It also locks in place, which makes running with the Thule MUCH easier on a straight path! If you run on roads or in neighborhoods (like I often do), you’ll probably want to keep it unlocked so you can easily turn.

Built-In Suspension

Great suspension was also something I cared a lot about when researching. While I run on paved paths in Winston-Salem most often, I like to run on trails in Boone, so I needed a stroller that was easy to push off-road. The suspension makes it smooth for Thomas AND me. When we visit our mountain place in Boone, this is the stroller we take and we use it for walks and running.

Integrated Hand Brake

This is a smart design because where you hold on to the stroller is also where the brake is. So, if we start going downhill and the stroller starts to go faster than I do, it automatically brakes as it starts to pull away from me. I didn’t think much about this until I started using it, but I LOVE this feature. There is also a hand strap that I ALWAYS put around my wrist if we’re running downhill (that’s what is hanging below the handle bar).

How to run with baby in stroller

Quality stroller for running with baby

Easy Seat Recline

The seat recline can be adjusted with one hand. I try not let Thomas nap in the stroller (we are pretty strict about our sleep schedule), but if you want your child to nap on the go, this would be great for that!

Protective Canopy

The seat’s multi-position canopy keeps Thomas’s cute face out of the sun and has UPF 50. It has a peek-through flap on the top so I can check on him during my run instead of stopping and walking around to check. It has great ventilation too for hot summer mornings.

Easy to Fold 

It’s actually VERY impressive how easy it is to fold up and store. You can take the wheels off with one click if you need to pack it in a smaller space, or just collapse it with the wheels on. They say it’s actually a compact, one-handed fold, but it takes me just a bit more effort than one hand usually. Not much, though!

Lots of Storage

The cargo basket underneath the seat is large enough to store everything I need, but not large enough to make the stroller too heavy.


There are a lot of accessories available (sold separately), that you can purchase for the Thule, which is nice. I think this little snack tray is great. But of course, if you’re running with your baby, you won’t want to use this.



The Thule costs almost $600, so it’s on the higher end of strollers. However, our UppaBaby Vista costs more. Since running is my thing, I was prepared to pay extra for a great jogging stroller and to purchase TWO strollers. We definitely use both and are glad we have both since they are so different. If you get just ONE, I’d do the Thule since you can’t run with the Vista!

Lack of water bottle storage

I can’t figure out where to store my water bottle. There are two little pouches by the seat where Thomas sits that I think are meant for that, but I know Thomas would mess with them the whole time if I put them there. Maybe that’s okay? I don’t know. I should experiment to see. But I wish there was a different place for a water bottle that is more easily accessible. I tried putting it in the cargo basket it but it rolled around and drove me crazy.

Thule vs. BOB 

Before I went down the Baby Registry rabbit hole, I’d only ever heard of BOB running strollers. But, after doing some research, I ultimately decided to purchase the Thule.  But, when I went to Utah with Thomas (get my tips on traveling with a baby here), I rented a jogging stroller and the only option available was the BOB Gear brand. So it gave me a chance to try a BOB jogging stroller and compare it to the Thule. (I actually got to try two BOBs because of the way the rental worked out, but that’s a long story!)

There were a few things I liked better about the BOB, but overall, I am still happy I have the Thule

The handle of the BOB was a little thinner so it was easier for me to hold than the Thule handle. The material of the handle was also a LOT easier to grip when my hands got sweaty. The Thule handle — particularly where the brake is — gets very slick with sweat, never mind all the humidity in the South.

Thule vs. BOB stroller review

However, the BOB was a LOT harder to push and navigate. The Thule definitely glides, true to its name, but the BOB required quite a bit of push. The BOB also didn’t have suspension that even came close to the Thule so it rattled Thomas more and also wasn’t as comfortable for me. The BOB also didn’t have a hand brake, which I missed.

So, if you’re on the fence, I’d go for the Thule.

Bottom Line

If you’re a runner and want a great quality stroller so your child can join you, I highly recommend the Thule Urban Glide. I’ve been really happy with it, and if it’s allowing all of my boys to run with me, you can bet I’ll pay any price. 😉

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    4 responses to “The Best Jogging Stroller (Thule or BoB)”

      • Most of my trails are pretty groomed with gravel and/or dirt without a lot of roots! But, I have occasionally taken the stroller on some rougher trails and it does well but I keep the runs shorter since I want to make sure Thomas is comfortable. 🙂 I hope that helps!

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