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Last Week’s Workouts: 39 Miles + CrossFit

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Boston Marathon training is officially underway! I’m sort of following three plans – Strava, Advanced Marathoning, and one my friend sent me – and I’m playing it all by ear for now as I come off my hamstring injury. My mileage definitely jumped up this past week, but so far I feel okay.

Last Week’s Workouts


Tu – 8 miles, 8:26 pace + CrossFit (first workouts of 2018!)

  • It was 9 degrees for this run, and I think my legs must have been numb because my hamstring didn’t bother me one bit. 🙂 I have a post in the works about how I dress for cold runs!
  • CrossFit:
    • Complete a max rep set of each: handstand pushup (14), strict push-up (18), pull-up (8), toes to bar (6)
    • Against a running 8 minute clock, do max reps ground to overhead (65#) with 4 bar facing burpees at the top of every minute (34 reps, not counting burpees)

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W – 4 miles, 8:30 pace + Needling & Scraping + CrossFit + postWOD foam rolling

  • It was 25 degrees on this run and somehow felt colder than the 9 degree run the day before!
  •  CrossFit:
    • Build to a heavy single back squat following this sequence: 5 reps @ 50%, 4 reps @ 60%, 3 reps @ 70%, 2 reps @ 80%
      • I worked up to 155# (way below my previous 1 rep max but that’s okay!)
    • 1 max set of wallballs – I did 60 with the 10lb ball
    • 3 sets: 10 hanging leg raise to L, 10 KB side bends per side

Th – 9  miles, 8:33 pace

  • This was another COLD run, but I actually felt really good on it. I listened to this playlist.
  • This was an easy run with some strides towards the end. There is a track about 1 mile from my house so I stopped there on the way home to do 8 strides. I ran 100m, gradually increasing speed, and then jogged very easy for 100m. Here’s more info on strides.


Sa – 13 treadmill miles, 8:35 pace + post-run stretching

  • I ran most of this easy, but I picked up the pace for miles 5 & 6, running an 8:00 pace and ran miles 11 & 12 @ 7:50 pace. I finished with a 1 mile cool down easy jog at a 9:00 min pace.
  • Considering it was 7 degrees with a “feels like” temperature of 2 degrees, I took my run inside. It actually wasn’t too bad! I have a post coming up about how I beat boredom on the treadmill (or try to anyway!).

Su – 5 treadmill miles, 9:21 pace + post-run foam rolling

  • Since it was a little warmer – 12 degrees – I was considering running outside, but Tommy gets nervous when I run solo and especially when I run solo when it’s so dark. It didn’t take much convincing for me to head to the treadmill again! 🙂 I listened to this podcast. I LOVE podcasts with Des Linden – she just seems so down to earth and relatable, despite being hella talented.

Total Miles: 39 miles

How I’m Feeling: Shockingly, really well considering I haven’t run mileage this high since last July and the past few weeks have been anywhere from 7 total miles to 21 total miles. I was WIPED on Sunday night, and I’m not sure if it was from running or if was from working so much over the weekend. Probably a little of both. We went to dinner on Saturday night and something about the seating was EXTREMELY uncomfortable for my hamstring and glute, in the same spot I’ve been struggling with for months. I kept adjusting how I was sitting, but standing is really the only relief when it starts acting up.

How I’m trying to recover better: Needling and scraping have definitely helped and my PT said we can back off from weekly sessions to every other week. I’m also trying to do 5-10 minutes of recovery every single day. I try to alternate what I do – stretching, rolling on a lacrosse ball, foam rolling, using the Roll Recovery, or doing PT exercises.

You can see previous weekly workout recaps here.

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