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Best Burger & Best Beer I’ve Ever Had

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On Saturday afternoon, after my trip to the Farmers Market with my friend Mary Jane, another friend and I headed down to City Beverage for some lunch and a beer tasting. Winston-Salem’s (only?) food truck, Camel City Grill, was there and I was excited to try their food after the food truck festival bust

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I felt brave so I ordered the PBB&J, no bun. 

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Holy. moly. Best burger I’ve ever had! Seriously folks. The beef itself was delicious but the peanut butter, pepper jelly and bacon on top was deeeelicious. Sweet and salty and a little spicy. I probably could have gone without the bacon but no one EVER says, “Hold the bacon.”

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I liked it so much that I bought beef, peanut butter and pepper jelly later that day. ha!

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My friend got the Breakfast Burger, hold the cheese, and while it was tasty it didn’t compare to mine. I totally won. 😉

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While we waited for our food, we sampled the beer that Small Batch Beer Company was serving. (And they were very generous with their samples.:) They are a very small brewery and are currently brewing out of someone’s home. But they are planning to open a bar downtown – and their focus is on quality, not quantity. I like these guys.

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Now, I’m not a beer aficionado at all…in fact, I don’t like most beer. I like Shotgun Betty and Blue Moon and some fruity beer I had in Boston, but that’s about it. But, the Limonhead IPA that Small Batch makes was incredible. I think it was the best beer I’ve ever had. 

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I even liked their stout! Plus, it’s made with Krankies’ coffee beans (a local coffee/bean roaster) – so cool.

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Inside, City Beverage was sampling a cask of Green Man (which is out of Asheville). I liked the cask. IMG 8938

I also liked the beer! Maybe I am becoming a beer person after all! 

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After all our sampling we walked around downtown a bit and explored the new Downtown Washington Perk grocery store. It’s small and lacking in the fresh produce department, but it was their opening day so I think it’ll fill out. It’s so nice to have a grocery store downtown, and ever better that it’s a locally owned business. 

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I liked their decor…being the beer aficionado I now am. 😉 

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Winston-Salem keeps getting cooler and cool. Lots of great restaurant, bars, and shops opening up downtown. I love it! 

What’s the best burger you’ve ever had? Beef or otherwise.

Would you try the PBB&J? 🙂

terilyn signatureterilyn signature

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    19 responses to “Best Burger & Best Beer I’ve Ever Had”

    1. That burger sounds fabulous (sans bacon)!
      It’s amazing to hear people who lived in Winston just 5-6 years ago talk about how far it’s come, I miss it!

    2. This post has me craving pepper jelly!! I hadn’t tried it until last summer (very weird, considering I’m from Alabama), and I’m a tad obsessed with it. I might just have to pick up a jar this week to use as a burger topping!

    3. I had a really yummy bison burger with bacon and cheese this weekend- it was totally justified when followed by hours of window shopping. That pbb&j sounds fantastic!

    4. Hands down the best burger I have ever had is the first burger I ate after being vegan for a year. It was a local grass fed patty, farm fresh egg, and cheese on a buttery bun from Fincastles in Greensboro. So.Freaking.Delicious.
      And no, I probably wouldn’t be brave enough to order the PBB&J off a menu. But I sure would steal a bite.

    5. My fav burger are my homemade turkey burgers with avocado, lettuce, and tomatoes- with sweet potato fries of course!

      And I would be the weirdo to say “hold the bacon”! But only because I’m allergic to the additives!

        • I usually just eyeball it, but I add minced garlic, finely chopped onion, salt, and pepper. Even my meat-eating husband likes them! 🙂

    6. I just found your blog via Pinterest (tips for running in the heat) and came by to read more! I love that you’re in Winston! I live in Greensboro and visit WS often! Look forward to reading more!

    7. So glad Winston just keeps getting cooler! Can’t wait till next time we come visit 🙂

      And I think I happen to remember a flour/sugar substitution “whoops” involving molten chocolate lava cakes!! haha. Somehow they still turned out!

    8. Your hair looks fab! I would absolutely try that burger, in fact, I might have drooled a little at the sight of the photo. I’m honestly not sure I could pick an absolute favorite burger, I’ve had some good ones!

    9. One of the best burgers I’ve had was actually a veggie one at Deshutes Brewery a couple years ago in Portland. It was a Walnut-Beet Burger topped with arugula and local goat cheese! It was very tasty and different!

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