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Beautycounter Hand Savior Review – a hand sanitizer I actually like

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Beautycounter is currently unavailable (read what happened to Beautycounter here), but I have a new favorite clean hand sanitizer by Primally Pure that I love. Read my Primally Pure review here.

In the past year, we have all used our fair share of hand sanitizer! And, I didn’t know that I could actually enjoy using a hand sanitizer… until now. While I always prefer washing with soap and water, there are times where its just more convenient and easier to use a hand sanitizer. (I’m especially grossed out by gas pumps and always have been.) So today, I’m sharing the hand sanitizer I LOVE. It’s a pricier than any other hand sanitizer I’ve ever purchased, but I like it enough that I purchased it multiple times since it’s that good. And it’s really more of a hand treatment to help prevent signs of aging that also sanitizes your hands, so it’s a 2-for-1 product!

If you have a great skincare routine, use a gentle peel to help prevent signs of aging, use vitamin C to brighten it, use a hydrating balm to moisturize, wear sunscreen to prevent damage and apply makeup to pull yourself together, you should also take care of your hands! They’re one of the first places to show signs of aging as they develop sun spots, lose elasticity and get dry. That’s where the Hand Savior comes in.

Okay, let’s dive in.

Beautycounter Hand Savior Review
Beautycounter Hand Savior Review
Beautycounter Hand Savior Review

Beautycounter Hand Savior Review

First, let’s talk about the hand sanitizing aspect and what makes a hand sanitizer actually effective and what ingredients we should look for (or avoid).

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention states, “To be effective against killing some types of germs, hand sanitizers need to have a strength of at least 60% alcohol and be used when hands are not visibly dirty or greasy. Do not rely on “Do It Yourself” or “DIY” recipes based solely on essential oils or formulated without correct compounding practices.”

The most important part of an effective hand sanitizer is alcohol concentration.

So, unfortunately, a lot of the natural hand sanitizers on the market aren’t actually effective. While they may not be harmful, they generally aren’t doing much good. And the other hand (pun intended), some hand sanitizers are incredibly drying and harsh and can leave your hands looking and feeling rough.

And while I do my very best to use skincare and makeup products that are safe (especially when I was pregnant), I didn’t have a hand sanitizer I really felt great using. I use a safe cleaning solution for my kitchen and have used safe skincare and makeup for years, and recently switched out my hand sanitizer. And a good way to prioritize the products that you switch to safer options are ones that you use daily!

Ingredients to avoid in hand sanitizer

The Wrong Alcohol

One of the biggest problems with hand sanitizers in stores today is that they only say “alcohol” on their label. They don’t tell you the type of alcohol they use and THAT is what we need to know.

Methyl Alcohol

Methyl alcohol is sometimes called wood alcohol or methanol. It’s used in things like rocket fuel and antifreeze, which is HIGHLY toxic and can cause major problems like nausea, blindness and even seizures.

1-propyl alcohol or 1-propanol

This is a major ingredient in industrial cleaners and is toxic to humans. It can cause things like skin irritation and even cause problems with breathing.


Triclosan is a chemical that has the properties of bacterial but it’s a harmful endocrine disrupter and can also irate your skin. The FDA banned this but still double check what you’re using!!


Fragrance is the beauty industries secret for putting whatever they want inside their products. The ingredient “fragrance” is considered a trade secret and there could be anything in it. If you avoid just ONE thing in your personal care products, avoid Fragrance. See other ingredients to be wary of here.

Beautycounter Hand Sanitizer review

What makes Beautycounter Hand Savior different

Okay, now let’s talk about how Beautycounter’s Hand Savior Boosting Serum + Sanitizer is different. It’s a safe and effective hand sanitizer that also contains ingredients to hydrate your hands and make them softer. Plus it isn’t sticky like some hand sanitizers are and it smells AMAZING. I actually enjoy using it, maybe even more than lotion since it absorbs so quickly.


60% organic sugar derived alcohol

This type of alcohol sanitizes without the potential harmful side effects of other kinds.

Hyaluronic acid

This helps hydrates your skin by helping it retain moisture. It’s one of the key ingredients in my favorite foundation too!


Niacinamide is an anti-inflammatory ingredient that helps brighten skin and decrease fine lines.

Beautycounter Hand Treatment

safe hand sanitizer brand

Tips for using hand sanitizer

Make sure your hands look clean before using it

They should be free of dirt, grease, etc.! Hand sanitizer helps kill germs but it doesn’t clean skin and it will more effectively kill germs if your hands aren’t have gunk on them. May sound obvious but a good reminder! If you need to wipe them down on the go, keep a pack of these in your car or purse and then use the hand sanitizer.

Only use it once until it’s needed again

It’s so easy to squirt a ton into your hand and keep repeating it, thinking you’re getting even cleaner, but having too much hand sanitizer on your hands can leave a film that traps pathogens.

“Hand sanitizers create a film on your hands,” Dr. McWilliams explains. “After you’ve used it several times, the film gets thick enough to trap germs inside, rather than kill them. When your hands feel coated or like there’s a residue, it’s time to wash off that film and start over.” (Source)

Use soap and water instead if possible

It’s aways better to wash your hands with soap and water if you have that option. Killing germs is different than removing them. Washing your hands with soap and water breaks down the germs membranes and then washes them off your skin. Using hand sanitizer is a good option to kill germs, but if you have a sink nearby, use that instead.

I use this hand soap from Beautycounter and LOVE IT.

Get Beautycounter’s Hand Savior here. It also makes a great gift for the moms in your life!

hand treatment and sanitizer product

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