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Where To Eat in the Willamette Valley (Oregon Wine Country)

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Yesterday, I shared where you have to stay if you visit the Willamette Valley. Today we’re talking food.

Now, to be honest, Carlton is very small. So, the selection isn’t very large so keep that in mind. If you want more options, McMinnville has a cute little street of restaurants and shops but we didn’t spend time over there other than to go to the grocery store.

After the half marathon, I wanted something light. (My stomach hates me after long runs.) We ended up in Cuvee, a French restaurant in Carlton, and we’re glad we did.

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We each ordered the same salad with poached salmon, artichokes, and a light herb lemon vinaigrette. It was perfect. The salmon was served cold, which I wasn’t expecting, but it was still good. The service also wasn’t what I was expecting…our waiter was a little sarcastic, rude and quirky…but it was ok. He kind of made us laugh. I think he was French, so I let it slide. (Although, when I was in Paris years ago, I didn’t find Parisians to be rude at all.)
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I finished the meal with black coffee — when was the last time your black coffee looked like this? It was amazing. So rich and creamy with a slight froth.

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I sipped it right up. (Yes, I realize this is a weird expression on my face. I don’t know what’s going on. It’s like the Captain on How I Met Your Mother where his eyes are terrifying but the lower half of his face is friendly and smiling. hehe.)

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After lunch, we wandered the small downtown and ended up at Honest Chocolates.

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Gourmet chocolates? Don’t mind if I do. We got a big assortment including Lavender Sea Salt, Peanut Butter & Cayenne and some sort of smoky peppery variety. Loved. them. all.
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We walked next door to The Horse Radish, hoping to find something to bring home for a pre-dinner snack later that night and hit the jackpot.
 They had all sorts of goat and sheep’s cheese (which we can eat!) and gluten-free bread and crackers!
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They brought us water while they packaged it up for us. And sweetly labeled inside so we knew what we were eating later on. Cheeeeeeesse.
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And we enjoyed the cheese with wine on our deck with an amazing view before Jay took us on our hike.
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Yes, really. It was a dream. 🙂
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terilyn signatureterilyn signature

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    5 responses to “Where To Eat in the Willamette Valley (Oregon Wine Country)”

    1. Oh man, chocolate, wine and cheese? I would be in heaven.

      And please tell me “cheeeeeeese” is from Old School. 😉

    2. This is on my bucket list of places to go before my husband and I have kids. After seeing your pictures, I think we’ll have to move it to the top of the list!

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