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Last Week’s Workouts – 50 miles!

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Last week I hit 50 miles, including an 18 mile long run in preparation for the 2018 Boston Marathon. I’m really enjoying the higher mileage, even though it’s very time consuming (especially when you factor in recovery activities, like stretching, rolling and yoga!).

Happy Monday!! I’m having such a hard time getting motivated this AM. I slept in until 6:45 and got up and snuggled Tommy and Maizey on the couch for a bit before having a quick quiet time and then getting ready, which consisted of putting my hair in a bun and putting on minimal makeup – Dew Skin, cream blush, eyebrow pencil and a little mascara. I’ll probably finalize this post during lunch so I can have a little extra time to enjoy breakfast and maybe watch the Today Show for a bit. While most days I love knocking out a lot really early (whether it’s running or blog work), sometimes I just want to take it a little slower. I blame the one glass of wine I had at the Super Bowl party we went to last night. 😉

After last week’s recovery week that felt really rough, I was glad that my workouts felt better this past week. That’s not to say they all felt easy, but they felt manageable. And I remind myself that if I’m easily hitting my goal paces or distances that my plan isn’t challenging enough. And so far, I think my current plan is the perfect level of challenging but doable. (I have a post in the works about my training plan for the Boston Marathon!) Here’s what my workouts looked like last week!

Last Week’s Workouts

M – 10.0 miles, 8:02 pace – Lactate Threshold Run

  • This run prescribed 5 miles run at half marathon pace, around 7:15 min/miles. I warmed up for 4 miles and man did I need the long warmup. The first four miles felt terrible but once I picked up the pace, my legs responded. I finished with a 1 mile cool down. It was 50* and rainy and SO windy and I was glad to be done with the run! I ran in my Adidas Bostons.

T- 4 miles, 9:04 pace – Recovery Run

  • I was in Charlotte for work with two loooong training meetings (only two 10 minute breaks) so it was a lot of sitting. I did a 4 mile recovery run on the hotel treadmill after work while watching the sunset. It felt nice to move after sitting all day! While I wanted to run outside, I didn’t pack warm enough clothes. It was much colder than I was expecting. I ran in my Saucony Kinvaras, which I use for most recovery runs.

W – Upper body & core

  • I went down to the hotel gym for 25 minutes of upper body and core but I really wasn’t feeling it after not sleeping well the night before. I should have just slept in!

Th – 11 miles, 8:29 pace – General Aerobic run

  • I was grateful to meet a friend since I was feeling sluggish after crappy hotel sleeping. I ran the first 6 miles with Christian and then did 5 more on my own. Overall I felt pretty good, although I was pretty tired the last few miles. My left hamstring and glute were tight but not awful.


Sa – 18.2 miles, 8:22 pace – Long Run

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  • I ran with two friends for the first 11 miles and we went out too fast for what my body was ready for, to be honest. One of the challenges — and perks — of running with friends is that the pace is often faster than you’ll run alone. But, sometimes it’s really important to let your body warm up appropriately (like on Monday) and ease into the pace so you don’t crash and burn. It’s such a hard balance because I love the company and getting to hang out with friends and meet new friends. But somedays I just can’t go out as hard as a lot of my running buds. I may try to time my runs so I start solo and then meet friends after I’m warmed up a bit.

  • I’m really loving these Nike Elites for my longer runs – they’re lightweight, responsive but still very cushioned.

Su – 7 mile recovery run, 9:40 pace + hot vinyasa yoga

Zyia Leggings | Fabletics top | Saucony Kinvaras

Long Run Fueling

  • Pre run: banana + almond butter + nuun + coffee
  • Mile 11: half GU + 2 skratch chews + nuun
  • Mile 15: half GU + water
  • I think I needed more fuel before I started running so I’ll need to wake up a bit earlier for my food to digest. I also should have fueled before mile 11 because I starting dragging at mile 8.
  • Post Run: When I got home, I had 3 eggs, fruit and some pan-fried potatoes (my favorite post-run food!).

Total Miles: 50.3 miles

This may be the highest weekly mileage I’ve ever run! I’m actually really enjoying the higher mileage and hope that I can stay healthy throughout this training cycle. I have a massage scheduled for Wednesday night and I’m trying to make a habit of Sunday afternoon yoga. And, of course, needling every other week. One of the biggest challenge of marathon training is just how much time it takes to run. And then all the recovery work on top of the miles. Oh, and then working essentially two jobs (my Corporate America real job + blogging & Beautycounter) and seeing Tommy and friends and yada yada. But I remind myself that I’m lucky to have the health and flexibility in my schedule for this type of training!

I find that I have to be very intentional with my time and schedule things that matter – like stretching, yoga and most importantly, quality time with Tommy.

How do you balance high training volumes with everything else in life?


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    One response to “Last Week’s Workouts – 50 miles!”

    1. I hit 39 miles last week, my highest weekly mileage ever, and I definitely don’t have the balance thing figured out. The hardest part for me is that I’m just so tired after running. I feel like I could easily spend the rest of the day in bed, but my kids and my job need me. It’s hard not to shortchange other areas when I’m tired from running.

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