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The Weekender

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It’s been a really great weekend, the kind where I had lots of moments that made me so full of gratitude; it really is the simple moments in life that make life full. I stayed in Friday night after a crazy day of work and ordered Teeter Thai (green curry!), drank wine (The Crusher Petite Syrah is amazing), and watched House of Cards. It was one of those nights where life just felt normal and familiar after so much change in the past year, and I was really happy.


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Last night Tommy and I had dinner with the Matt and Meg at Diamondback Grill (their burgers are awesome, btw), and it was another moment of wow, my life is so full with wonderful people.

And this morning I woke up to snow. I’m pretty vocal about how much I hate snow and winter and cold weather, but after seeing how excited I was this morning, I have to admit I like it a little bit. It was fun to bundle up with Maizey and play outside and enjoy a quiet, cozy morning. Life seems to slow down a bit when it snows – and I love it.IMG_2926


Maizey had a little tumble while running and came back inside and pouted.


IMG_2948It was  gorgeous yesterday, so I met Meg and her tiny, adorable peanut for a walk. I cannot handle her cuteness.



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