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Sunday Brunch at Chateau Morrisette

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Happy Hump Day friends! That whole Weekender post didn’t happen like I said it would…but that’s because I did something fun on this weekend that I want to share (and because I didn’t gather many links last week).

On Sunday some friends and I headed up to the Blue Ridge Parkway for Sunday brunch at Chateau Morrisette, located in Floyd, Virginia. (Just up the road from the Mabry Mill, if you’re familiar with the area.)

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It’s a beautiful winery with a great restaurant. (Well, their brunch is great at least. I haven’t eaten any other meal there.) They had an omelet station, BACON, quiche, grits, fruit, salad, salmon, chicken, prime rib, BACON, hoppin’ john, fingerling potatoes, ham, cake, peanut butter fudge, cupcakes, tiramisu, berry cobbler, and more. And I ate about 85% of it. 😀 I don’t know how they cooked their bacon but it was awesome. (Oh, did you already catch my drift that I liked their bacon?)

I had a few bites of some of their desserts and they were amazing. If I didn’t have this whole GF/dairy issue, I probably could have eaten every piece of carrot cake they put out. The peanut butter fudge was awesome too. And the cobbler. Hell, I liked it all.

I didn’t snap any great pictures of the food because I was too busy eating said food, but I did snap a picture of the mimosas. So pretty! And tasty.

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After brunch, we wandered through their tasting room.

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I love their copper counter and all the wood.

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I’ve toured their winery before and I loved seeing all the barrels. It was cool to see some of them turning a deep red as they fermented. (This pic is from my last visit. We missed the tour on this trip.)

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From that to this, all onsite.

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We were too full from brunch to do a wine tasting so we sat on their patio away from the drizzly rain and listened to the live music.  They often have live music up there and dogs are welcome. There were lots of pups in the tasting room. I can just imagine how well that would go with Maizey. (Not well.)

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Eventually we decided we could handle a wine tasting.

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Their wines are good! I even liked one of their sweet wines – probably not enough to drink a big class of it, but it was good for a tasting.

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The owner had a dog who liked to lick the wine off the floor and the lady doing our tasting told us that their sales increased by 500+% when they changed the label to put a picture of the dog on it. heh. Personal proof that their tactic worked: Manfriend bought two bottles of their Chardonnay. Luckily for me, I think he’ll share.


This is Candace and me getting photo bombed. I love that Kevin is in focus and we are not. ha!

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And this is what I look like explaining to someone how to use my camera. Quite excited I was.

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Kevin and Candace are such a cute couple – they just got engaged! Love hanging out with them.
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Alright, off to work I go! Have a great day!

What’s your favorite brunch food? I always forget that brunch includes real food like salmon and salad and stuff. I think of it just like breakfast…but it’s not, it’s brunch. Wow, that was enlightening. 😉 I need more coffee.

terilyn signatureterilyn signature

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    6 responses to “Sunday Brunch at Chateau Morrisette”

    1. I love, love, love Chateau Morrisette. The Angel Chardonnay is my fav. I love that I can buy it in my local grocery store.

      • I seriously love that place too. Such beautiful views, good food and good wine. That is awesome you can buy it locally!! I don’t think I tried the Angel Chardonnay – I’ll look for it next time.

    2. When are you going to show us a pic of your “Manfriend”? 😉 Happy for you.

    3. Love your “excited about my camera” face!
      My favorite brunch foods usually involve eggs in some form. Those made-to-order omelets are always good. Oh, and I love a Bloody Mary for refreshment 🙂

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