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San Francisco: Great Restaurants & Great Running

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Hi friends! I hope you’ve had a great week! Mine flew by since I was super busy at work on Monday, I had the day off from work Tuesday, and Wednesday through Friday I was in San Francisco for work. Traveling for work can be great, but also exhausting with the time change, the long flights and jet lag. And yes, I finally believe jet lag is a thing. 😉 Water being good for the soul is also a thing. But I’ve always believed that.  

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I got up Thursday and Friday morning and went for a run. On Thursday, it was lightly drizzly and I loved running in it! Although, I need new Vibrams since mine are super worn out and have no grip on the bottoms. I had to be careful how I ran, and I must have used different muscles trying not to slip because my hamstrings were super sore the next day. (It also could have been the fact that I went to hot vinyasa yoga on Tuesday night…). On Thursday, I ran from my hotel in Union Square to Market Street until I hit the Embarcadero and headed towards Fisherman’s Wharf. Once I got to Alcatraz, I turned around. I still haven’t toured Alcatraz and really want to! Hopefully on a future trip! Can you see it out there? 🙂 I had been up since 4:30 AM (thank you very much time zones), so I had plenty of time to enjoy my run, stopping to take pictures, even after working for two hours before I headed out. ha! I ran about 5.5 miles (I think…I forgot to restart my Garmin at one of the stop lights), averaging around a 7:20 pace. Love those flat roads!  

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I slept in a little later on Friday so I didn’t have as much time for my run. I ran down Market again, but headed the opposite direction on the Embarcadero and I was so glad I did because I got to see the sun rise behind the bridge. I couldn’t help but stop and take some pictures! It was gorgeous. I ran about 3.25 miles, averaging a 7:30 pace.

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It was fun to be in the city as Christmas decorations were starting to go up. My friend Anna (who recently moved to SF) and I were talking about how neither of us have been in a big city during the holiday season and it seems so fun. I can’t wait to go back in December and see San Francisco in its full, glimmering glory!

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I had a couple great meals while I was there with really great friends. I’m so lucky to travel to such a great city for work and so lucky to have friends who make time to see me while I’m there! Anna, her fiancé, Paul and I met at Saru Sushi Bar in Noe Valley on Tuesday night and it. was. amazing. So fresh! I met Courtney and Brent at Fog City. We had some seriously amazing appetizers (GET THE DEVILED EGGS). I wasn’t crazy about my salad–something was a little off with the kale or dressing–but the marcona almonds, roasted delicata squash and goat cheese made up for it! 

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Anna and I met up for a glass of wine on Thursday night at Eno Wine Bar. It was right around the corner from my hotel and super cozy despite being so close to the touristy area of Union Square. Great wine selection and they have cheese and chocolate flights! If you visit San Francisco, Eno is a great spot to unwind after a long day, whether you’re worn out from work or sight seeing!  

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And because I couldn’t decide which picture from my run this morning was my favorite… here are a few more. 🙂

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I just love San Francisco. 

terilyn signatureterilyn signature

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    12 responses to “San Francisco: Great Restaurants & Great Running”

    1. I love San Fran, too. Have you been able to see Lombard Street or ride a trolley car on one of your trips? How about Muir Woods just north of the bridge? Napa and Sonoma aren’t far either. Such beautiful wineries and such amazing wines. If you haven’t been, I hope you get to go eventually!

      • I’ve seen Lombard Street and ridden a trolley car when I’ve been to SF for fun a couple years ago! But I’ve never visited the Muir Woods or Napa/Sonoma! I really hope I can next year! I just googled Muir Woods since I wasn’t familiar with the area – GORGEOUS.

        • You have to get to Muir Woods – was my fave part of our trip out there. Napa was a close 2nd. Oh & yes, you need to tour Alcatraz,too – it’s a really cool tour. Love San Fran so much! I bet running in the morning was amazing. We rode bikes over the GG bridge & that was awesome, too. Try Alioto’s for din.

            • I can’t believe I forgot about the Cliff House restaurant! Fabulous views!
              You probably already know about the farmers market in the Ferry Bldg, right? I love San Fran so much!

    2. That is so so cool that you get to frequent SF for work! (Utterly exhausting as well I’m sure!)
      I have only been the San Francisco once for a few days and can’t wait to get to go back. I absolutely loved running there and the food…. ohhhh the food!

      You definitely think of New York, and even Chicago during the holidays. but I bet S is just incredible!

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