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Oh hey, Colin Powell

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My dear friend Debbie graduated from High Point University with her B.S. today! I am so so so proud of her. She worked full-time while attending school AND graduated Summa Cum Laude with a 3.9 GPA! She worked her butt off. I’m just in awe of her! (Also, High Point University is a gorgeous campus; I’d never been over there.)

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It was a beautiful day for a graduation. We soaked up the gorgeous weather during the ceremony, where Colin Powell spoke. I was kind of obsessed with spotting the Secret Service during the ceremony, ha! He was a great speaker and really funny! And he stood up and took pictures with each graduate as they walked across the stage to get his/her diploma. What a cool guy.You’ll have to take my word for it that he was up there. 

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Or, you know, you could just look at this picture!

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John and I just happened to be standing there when he walked out. He was stopping to shake hands with people, and it was totally out of character for me to stick my hand out, but I did and he stopped to shake my hand! Gah! So cool. That’s my outstretched hand. 🙂 I’m so glad John snapped a picture of him!

It was a really great day. Congrats Debbie!!! xoxoxoxo

Alright friends, have a great evening! John and I are off to see a movie–The Grand Budapest Hotel. Anyone seen it?

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    5 responses to “Oh hey, Colin Powell”

    1. Oh thank you Teri!!!! And now my awesome friend and I have yet another thing in common: we have both shaken hands with and spoke to Colin Powell!!

    2. Holy cow! Congratulations to your friend, that is incredibly inspiring!

      I really want to go back for my MBA in the relatively near future, but the thought of that and work is intimidating, so I can only imagine how hard she must have worked!

      That is pretty amazing that Colin Powell spoke at High Point’s graduation! That campus is something else isn’t it.

      • Hey Scooter, I am sure I have told you several times before, how VERY PROUD I am of you for ALL your hard work & all your time going to school full time & working full time too. You & I know that Jr., your Mom, Doug & David wd be sooo damn PROUD of you.. along w/ Alicia & the girls, Jessie & I am sure Bob is too!! Your Dad is in Heaven smiling down on you too. I am sure I have left others out, but NOT on purpose! Be PROUD of yourself, my friend, be PROUD for you have certainly deserved it!! You are my very oldest friend & I truly love you like my sister!! Much Love, Dardee

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