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Wedding Wednesday: Life after the wedding and honeymoon + running, make-up and routines

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I promise I do have some more wedding photos coming! Well, sort of…it’s more like I have one wedding photo coming, but more on that later. The past few few months, I feel like my blog and Instagram has been so much about the wedding and moving, and to be honest, I kind of just want to blog about other things and take a break from those topics!

I haven’t had much blogging or social media mojo since I got back from our honeymoon other than wanting to share photos of my handsome husband. 🙂 I kept trying to force myself to share what I felt like I “should”, i.e. pictures of the house, pictures of the honeymoon, and pictures of the wedding. And then it dawned on me that I don’t really want to blog about those things yet, for various reasons, so I’m not. I will, I promise, but right now, I want to blog about other things. Besides, I try to avoid “shoulds” whenever possible. 🙂 But, I do want to say THANK YOU for all the love and excitement you’ve shared. It means more than I can say, knowing that you share in my joy and are genuinely so happy for me. Truly. It really means a LOT.

Anyway, let’s get onto a random assortment of topics, shall we?

Running feels weird

I ran on my wedding day and it felt AMAZING. The weather was gorgeous and I felt like I could have run forever, but I had a little bit of a schedule to keep that day so I went back home after 6 miles. On our honey, we went to the gym one day  because we were both itching a little bit to sweat and afterwards, we were both like, ehhhh let’s not do that again. It just felt kind of sad to be in a gym when we were in such a pretty place! So instead, we fully embraced laziness and did a little activity in other ways (hiking and kayaking). So while I ran 2 miles at the gym in St. Lucia, I have really run since the wedding.

I texted my running friend Kate yesterday and asked her to tell me to get my butt out the door because I kept procrastinating my run. I really just haven’t felt like running since I got home; it’s amazing how easy it is to lose motivation when you get off a routine. But I knew I’d feel better mentally and physically (especially my gut) if I ran so I did 4 miles last night and 6 miles today. And running feels…weird. Like the movement is foreign to my body. It’s the strangest thing.

In the past, with injuries or just lack of desire, I’ve taken more time off from running than 1.5 weeks, but I guess typically I was cross-training. So I think a week without intense exercise is a new sensation for my body. And it’s probably a really good thing for my body. But, I am ready to feel normal again with my running.

New Running Shoes

I’m also blaming part of the fact that running doesn’t feel quite right on the fact that my running shoes really need to be replaced (both my Zantes and my Adidas Bostons). So, I ordered a new pair of shoes today, hoping that gives me a little motivation and helps my body feel better since my running has felt clunky for a while. I got the Brooks Launch since I wanted something with a little more cushion but with a similar heel drop to my Adidas pair. I’m planning to run the Mistletoe Half Marathon in early December, even though I don’t have much time to train, so it may be a year of just running for run. (Although, I said that last year and set a PR!) Bottom line: I just want running to feel normal and easy again. 🙂 And I’m hoping new shoes help with that. (It’s a good scapegoat at least.)


Holy crap, there is so much I want to share about Beautycounter that I don’t even know where to start. They recently launched their holiday collection, which included a ton of brand new products they haven’t offered in the past – liquid eyeliner, highlighters, new palettes, new lip gloss colors and more. I’m particularly obsessed with the Ultimate Nudes eyeshadow palette.

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The shades are so flipping pretty and blend really easily, so even if you’re not great with eyeshadow (like me), you can make it look like you are.

I’ve been using the darker colors to line my eyes and it’s a nice change from an eyeliner pencil. Plus, it’s a bit easier for me to do! (Oops, looking at this photo, looks like I need to blend the eyeshadow along my lash line just a little more. ha!) I’m wearing the Whisper Lip Gloss, which is a new color as part of this set. (The rest of my regular make-up routine is posted on this page.)

Black tee | scarf

I’ll likely do a post with my favorites of the new holiday sets, but until I get to it, I’ll to do an Instagram Story so be sure to look for that. You can also join my new Beautycounter Facebook group where I’ll post more regular updates and pictures of the products with tips on how to use them. And if you’re a Beautycounter junkie, I’d love for you to share your favorites in that group too!


Oy. I NEED A ROUTINE. (Don’t we all?? Or are there people who don’t crave routines?) I really don’t function well without a routine. My gut (which is super finicky) gets all off.  Sleeping habits get thrown off. Productivity declines. I drink more coffee and less water. It’s just a bad spiral. Living under the same roof with Tommy has been AWESOME since we’ve been home from the honeymoon, but we are both ready to get into a routine and have some normalcy back in our lives. I think once we have him fully moved out of his apartment and we can get our house feeling more like a home, that will help.

Alright, I’m off to fold some laundry and work on getting caught up on some emails! Thanks for indulging me with a random assortment of topics! 🙂 Hope you’re having a GREAT week!


terilyn signatureterilyn signature

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    2 responses to “Wedding Wednesday: Life after the wedding and honeymoon + running, make-up and routines”

    1. Brooks Launch are THE best. I ran in Pureflows for awhile before finding these, and promptly bought 5 pairs. I ran Chicago in them last year; they have a great balance of being lightweight yet supportive. Hope you enjoy! (And congrats, it’s wonderful to see two people so happy).

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