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Last week’s workouts: running in Winston, Draper Utah & Deer Valley

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Good morning friends! I’m in Draper Utah and having the best time. If you get my newsletter, you know that Tommy and I were in Park City over the weekend celebrating our first anniversary. It was seriously such a perfect weekend; we had fun reminiscing and it’s so hard to believe it’s already been a year since our wedding. (If you didn’t get the newsletter, you can read it here.)

I’ll have a blog post up soon with some Park City recommendations since I got a ton of questions on Instagram, but in the meantime, I’m recapping last week’s workouts in Winston, Draper and Park City! (Well, really Deer Valley is where I did my workouts but hey, close enough!)

I’m back at my favorite trail and seriously so happy. LOOK AT THIS SUNRISE VIEW!!!!

where is draper utah

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Last week’s Workouts

  • M – 6.1 miles, 7:56 average pace, easy speed with Kelli
    • 1 mile warm-up, 4×1200 at 7:20 pace w/400 jog between each, 1 mile cool down
    • I can’t believe how good this workout felt! Kelli is following a training plan so I’m doing some of her workouts with her and it’s been really fun to follow someone else’s plan without having the structure of my own plan. I’m still trying to ease back into increasing my mileage coming off plantar fasciitis and some back problems and trying to be smart about it!
  • T – 5.1 miles, 8:35 pace, miles with Clare & Kelli
  • W – 5 miles, 8:16 pace, post-work de-stressing with Christian
    • I rarely run after work, preferring to get it in before the day starts, but this was such a nice way to end a crazy day!
  • Th – 6.1 miles; 7:59 pace solo morning run
  • F – 4 miles, 7:49 pace in UTAH! 🙂 4300 ft. elevation

Draper Utah, Porter Rockwell Trail

draper utah
(Oiselle running top + use this link for $20 off your order!)

I’m seriously baffled every time I run in Draper just how easy it feels despite the altitude (my parents live at 4300 ft elevation). Now Crossfit is a different story. That nearly kills me when I visit my mom’s gym! The weather in Draper dropped right before we arrived and it’s been so chilly in the mornings! I didn’t pack enough long-sleeved running tops, oops.draper utah weather

  • Sa – 4 mile hike near Deer Valley Montage resort. The fall colors were UNREAL.
    • The weather in Park City was even chillier! I loved it!

deer valley hiking

And then we woke up to snow!!!! I planned to do a trail run on Sunday morning (the same trail we hiked), but I watched the snow fall from the treadmill instead.

  • Su- 5.3 miles; 8:07 pace, treadmill running at 8300ft while the snow fell!
    • 20 min of pickups mid-run: alternating 3 minutes 7:00-7:15 pace with 2 min easy running (8:30 pace).
    • Again, running at altitude should not feel this easy. Seriously so confused. I did have some major back cramping later that day – I wondered if it was lack of oxygen to my muscles. Any ideas??

deer valley

Total Miles: 31.4 miles

How I’m Feeling: Seriously so good!

I love running in Draper and I love that my plantar fasciitis is doing SO much better. I always run so well when I’m home too. I’m happy to be increasing my mileage steadily and hope to do a 9 miler while I’m in Utah.

P.S. If you live near Draper, come say hi and hang out Thursday night at La Barba coffee shop! More details here!

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