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Ok, not quite yet, but this will be formed into balls soon.


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Mama Pea’s balls. Her Peanut Butter Cookie Dough  Balls, that is. The dough is currently chilling. Heaven help me when they come out of the oven. I plan to have no restraint and any sort of restraint I happen upon will be seen as a bonus.

Before I made this dough, I made dinner. It was flavorful, cheesy, and easy.


(Not So) Spicy Veggie Quesadillas
  • 1/2 zucchini, chopped
  • 1/2 yellow squash, chopped
  • 1/4 c onion, diced
  • 1 garlic glove, minced
  • 1/4 t cumin
  • 1/4 t chili powder
  • 2 c spinach
  • 1 c cheddar cheese, shredded (or more if ya fancy)
  • 2 tortillas
  1. Spray a pan with a little nonstick spray and over medium heat, sauté onion, garlic, zucchini, yellow squash, cumin and chili powder for 3-4 minutes or until veggies soften.
  2. Add spinach and continue to cook until wilted. Pour veggies into a bowl and set aside
  3. Place a tortilla in the pan, put 1/4 c. cheese on one half, layer half the veggies over the cheese, then put another 1/4 c. cheese on top of that.
  4. Fold tortilla over the layers and cook until the bottom layer of cheese melts. Flip the tortilla and cook the other side.
  5. Repeat with the second tortilla and remaining ingredients.
  6. Enjoy!

This dish is great for packing some veggies into your day and can be adjusted to your tastes and current vegetable stash. Squash really is a favorite in this though.


On a side note, I ate my lunch out of a coffee mug because I didn’t think it was wise to reheat leftovers in styrofoam and I didn’t have a plate at work. And…I kind of liked it.


Aaaandd…I’ve had that same plastic fork for MONTHS and have rewashed it over and over. That’s sanitary, right?

Ok, I’ve got some balls to form. Have a good night!

What’s the strangest container you’ve used for a meal?

What are your thoughts on low-fat cheese? I can’t do it.

P.S. I loved your responses to last night’s post. Pick a night this week and do the same. It was so nice. I loved a night without electronics. No TV, no phone, no computer. Ahhhh. Smile

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    41 responses to “(NOT SO) SPICY VEGGIE QUESADILLAS”

    1. I despise low fat cheese. I would rather eat less real cheese than more low fat cheese. Did I mention cheese is one of my favorite foods?

    2. I cannot eat low-fat cheese. I agree with Matt – I would rather each no cheese than low-fat cheese. Why even bother??

      I have also been using the same plastic fork since school started in August.

    3. Hey lady! You are gonna go crazy over the balls. They are so good. I can do low fat on *some* cheeses.. string cheese, mozzarella.. but cheddar? No way. Gotta be the real thing! Hmm.. not so sure I have ever eaten out of anything too crazy? I eat out of mugs all the time at work, too.

      Love youuu have a good night!

      • yeah, good point…string cheese and mozzarella are ok lowfat. but low fat cheddar is gross!

        haha! I love that you eat out of mugs too. I guess I’m not so weird after all. 😉

    4. I don’t like low fat cheese either! Hmmmm, strangest container? I’d say a leftover take-out food container that I washed and used for a different meal another day.

    5. Those balls [sounds sooo wrong!] have swept the blog-o-phere…..gotta give them a try! And your ‘dillas look delicious. Watching a plastic fork is not only sanitary but environmentally responsible! 🙂

    6. I think I’m the only one who isn’t going to try the balls! Maybe when I’m not as busy, then I can bask in all my balls! 🙂

      Oh, and quesadillas—I’ve been eating them everyday for the past few weeks. That, and oreos.

    7. ooooh your supper looks yummy!! one day I will have time to try those famous balls! lol I’ve eaten pasta out of a cup before so don’t worry you’re not alone 😉 and as for cheese, I like part skim mozarella but other than that I usually stick to the “normal” stuff!

    8. Teri, I don’t know why it has taken me so long to find your blog, but i LOVE it! Thanks for sharing!

    9. Mmm…that veggie quesadilla looks delish! I’m totally with you. I don’t like reheating food in plastics/styrofoam. And I also reused plastic utensils at work numerous times. I just can’t stand to throw something away after one use if I don’t have to.

    10. I love seeing everyone recreate Mama Pea’s Dough Balls! I think I’m going to try my hand at it next week so I can share with my family for Thanksgiving. I used to eat my oats on the go in Tupperware and I still do even when at home because I just like it more for some reason. I also love plastic spoons. Not forks as much b/c I tend to break the tines. 🙂

      • That is funny. The thought of oatmeal is a tupperware gives me the heebie jeebies. haha! 🙂

    11. I eat both lowfat and regular cheese, but I’d pick regular cheese any day! I love me some veggie quesadillas… those look fabulous.
      I often cook and eat my eggs out of a mug. After they’re cooked, I just add my veggies and cheese, stir & enjoy 🙂
      I’ve been reading a lot about these cookie dough balls!

        • If I’m making eggs just for myself, I’ll just spray the inside of a mug with some cooking spray (the eggs tend to stick), add a couple eggs and a little salt and pepper. I cook them in the microwave for about 1 1/2 minutes or so, making sure to stop every 30 seconds to stir around. When they’re done, I’ll add some chopped veggies and cheese (reheat if you want) and then eat right out of the mug! Make sure to soak the mug right after you eat or it’s harder to get the cooked eggs off the sides. Not gourmet, but good when you’re looking for something quick and easy.
          Voila! Eggs for one 🙂

    12. I don’t think you need to go one step further with those balls. The dough just looks good enough on its own. 😉

    13. Me & low-fat cheese = no. I think of it this way. I don’t necessarily eat cheese ALL the time. Usually not even more than 3 to 5 times a week. So, might as well eat the REAL stuff, right? 🙂 Those quesadillas look tasty, girl!

      • yes, that’s how I feel about it too! I eat cheese 2-3 times a week, if that, so you can bet I’m going with the good stuff!

    14. Yeah, low fat cheese scares me. I mean, what are they taking out (or putting into) the cheese to make it lowfat. It never melts the same, either. Gross!

      I love that quesadilla- thanks for the idea! I mean, the men don’t really miss the meat when the ingredients are smothered in cheese….ha!

    15. Veggie Quesadillas look amazing! In terms of low fat cheese, when I used to eat cheese and going through a “diet” period, I did enjoy low fat options, but now looking back they make me sick. I rather eat the real thing!!! Better flavor and texture, etc.


    16. Mmm good dinner idea for tonight – I have random veggies to eat up so a quesadilla is perfect! I actually have started using soy cheese, like Daiya. I’m not vegan, but I like the taste!!

      And those cookie dough balls…everyone is making them but I haven’t let myself yet. Because I’m scared of what will happen.

    17. Yay! You made the balls 🙂 So heavenly. Low-fat cheese is disgusting. I pretty much eat everything full fat these days. It’s so much more satisfying which means I will eat less. Our bodies need fat to function…they really do! So go on and eat your full fat cheese…the other stuff taste like rubber.

    18. i need those balls!!!!! i tried them last year and totally fell in love. dangerous. i’m with you on the low fat cheese 🙂

    19. I made those balls but cooked them into cookies and they were amazing!!!!! I want to try them again in ball form:)

      Spanish food=YUM! all of it (well except for the meat and cheese stuff lol) is so delish and flavorful:) Im super lucky that my boyfriend is dominican and his mom makes the best food!

    20. I use glad ware all the time! but I sometime reuse cottage cheese and yogurt containers too! I feel like I’m a little too frugal!
      I made brownie batter balls the other day! I think balls are the new black!

    21. Mugs are my favorite dish! Cereal, cake, yogurt, fruit…they are the perfect container! But once I used a tiny flower vase as a glass for a smoothie (it had been through the dishwasher :-)).

    22. Everywhere I turn bloggers are making these awesome looking cookie balls- I so need to try ’em out!
      For some reason I love eating out of my big margarita glasses (smoothies, yogurt, fruit, granola…they all seem to taste better that way). I guess it’s cause I never make margaritas but love these glasses. Gotta put ’em to use some how, right 😉

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