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Healthy Living Summit: More Pictures, Few Words

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Old buildings. IMAG0003

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Pretty waterscapes.IMAG0009IMAG0162

New leggings + tank top + dress from the folks at Five Bamboo waiting for me in my hotel room! What an awesome surprise! (Gray, lumpy baggy t-shirt was my own ;))

And a good thing too because the Five Bamboo Anacortes Dress was what I ended up wearing to the panel. 🙂IMAG0067IMAG0070

New Reebok kicks + a mini Crossfit workout (I was feeling like crap, so I just did like 10 squats).

Harvard Square…made me sad they turned down my application back in the day. 😉IMAG0074

A lovely lunch with a lovely blog reader, Meg.

Enjoyed dairy-free JP Licks ice cream with other Summit-ers, including ClaireIMAG0087

And ran into Heather and Cait in the city after saying hello/goodbye at the hotel – it’s so fun meeting blends in person for the first time and realizing, “oh hey! That’s you!!!” IMAG0099

Yummy coffee and sites around town with Holly.

A mural!IMAG0096

A HEEElarious guide on the Freedom Trail tour. Snarky, sarcastic, belly laugh inducing. Check out my #quotesfromtheFreedomTrailTour tweets for proof. More proof: I have multiple pictures of Holly cracking up during this tour.

Can you imagine living on this street? beautiful. Wouldn’t that be weird if one of my readers actually does live on this street? 🙂IMAG0146

And to end the trip, I had an incredible meal at The Elephant Walk with Evan and Holly. NEver mind the fact that I nearly passed out during lunch. Sorry ‘bout that Evan. I hate that was your first impression of me. I normally quite normal.IMAG0161

Yes, normally, quite quite normal. IMG_20120817_230424

terilyn signatureterilyn signature

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    21 responses to “Healthy Living Summit: More Pictures, Few Words”

    1. glad you enjoyed our fair city! life alive and elephant walk are some of my local favorites, too…

    2. I’m a loyal reader and live right down that street – glad you enjoyed your trip to Boston!

    3. oh, teri! it was SO amazing to finally meet you! you are so genuine, kind, and STUNNING! i love the sandwich cait and i made haha. anyways, you’re a beacon of light and i wish we had more time together! xoxo

    4. I miss you and need you to live in the same city as me. I’m not even kidding.

      Also, what is the health update? Let me know.

      Sending you oodles of hugs + love.


    5. I had to comment because I love the scenery. I was just in Boston in June and I left a HUGE chunk of my heart there. Wish I could have gone to HLS. 🙂

    6. I see that you made it to Life Alive!! I suggested that on instagram (@jennymikoll), how did you like it? Great running along the Charles, and I think that is such a great suggestion to run and discover/explore a new city! Hope that you visit Boston again sometime 🙂


      • Yes! I went there because of your recommendation! I meant to follow up and tell you but spaced it. Thanks again! It was fantastic – perfect restaurant for me! Boston was wonderful. 🙂

    7. Hi Teri, I read your blog but don’t comment often, just had to today to say that wow this looks incredible! It looks and sounds like you had a really wonderful time 🙂 I would love to get to meet so many bloggers, it sounds like heaps of fun! Lovely photos 🙂

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