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Greensboro Old Town Beer Run

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On Sunday afternoon, John and I ran the Old Town Beer Run. The race started at the Old Town Draught House which was a cool place. (New to me since I never go to Greensboro!) He registered us for the 5 mile race a few days ago, but I was a big whiner leading in the couple hours up to the race. “It’s cold! It’s rainy! It’s windy! Are you sure you want to go? I’ll give you $20 to just stay home and snuggle me on the couch! My toes are cold!” He still loves me. 🙂

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But, per usual, once I was out there, I was happy I was running. I ran a consistent pace the whole time – right about a 7 minute/mile. I usually bounce around with my pace – speed up and slow down – but I was perfectly steady the whole time which felt really nice. I didn’t really go out to “race,” I just wanted to run since I was sore and tired, but I ended up having a great run. I ended up taking 3rd overall for females. My time was 34:52 with a 6:58 average pace. And I am kinda obsessed with this certificate. hahaha. I’m totally framing it. Something about the phrase “Overall Female Beerunner” gives me such pride.

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And ya know what was just as good as the post-race highs? Beer. I decided to try the beer since each runner got two free beer tokens for Natty Green’s beer on draft (served by guys in teeny tiny short green shorts. hahaha). And ya know why it was so good? It didn’t upset my stomach AT ALL. I have no clue why but even though I had two beers (one witbier and one golden ale), I had no side effects. Wheat is a tricky thing my friends. But hey, I won’t question it when I don’t have issues! 🙂

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Overall, it was a fun day! It was rainy and it was cold and it was windy but we still had a blast. John took 9th overall I think and first for his age group with a 30:27 time (average 6:05 pace). Um yes, he is CRAZY fast. And I love him for it. 🙂

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I think I was most proud of the fact that I kept a very steady pace the whole time. I usually surge and slow a lot in race which burns up energy but I stayed between 6:55 and 7:05 the whole time until I got to the last quarter mile when I kicked it up to outrun the girl on my heels.

Do you run a steady race pace or do you surge throughout? 

terilyn signatureterilyn signature

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    9 responses to “Greensboro Old Town Beer Run”

    1. I cannot imagine keeping up with a 6:58 pace for over a mile. That is CLIPPIN’ ‘er. You guys are so speedy.

    2. Congratulations!!!! 6:58 pace is pretty amazing and the certificate is perfect. I am more of sprinting type girl so any time someone runs more than a 40y dash I am super impressed 🙂

    3. I always start too fast, however I ran the Wilmington Half on March 16 … My goal was to break 2:00 which indid by 9 seconds, haha, but like you I was mostly happy that I was consistent throughout the Half!

      I want your speed! Congrats in the race!

    4. That certificate is pretty sweet and your jacket is really cute! You are super speedy. Maybe some day I’ll stop doing these longer races and try working harder on short distance speed. It sounds like a fun change and challenge.

    5. Super fast!! I tend to do best when I keep a steady pace… but I haven’t raced in ages. Love ya

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