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Best Peloton Classes

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Peloton has lots of classes beyond the bike! Here are the best Peloton classes and instructors for cycling, running, strength, and yoga.

My husband and I gifted each other a Peloton two years as an early Valentine’s Day gift for 2020 (super romantic, I know) and WOW, we are glad we bought it when we did. Who would have known our whole world was on the verge of shutting down and a Peloton would be really hard to get just two months later.

Before we actually bought the Peloton bike, I used the Peloton app for 3 months and just propped my phone up on the stationary bike at the gym. I was shocked how much I enjoyed it even after my first ride, since I wasn’t really into cycling previously. Because cycling was one of the only workouts I could do given a running injury, we decided to splurge and buy the bike for our house after trying a Peloton bike in Pinehurst on a vacation.

Initially, I was excited about the Peloton to help me recover from a running injury. Then, when I got pregnant, it was a great workout for all nine months, in addition to running. (Cute pregnancy workout clothes helped too.) Now, I hardly even use Peloton for cycling because I’m SO obsessed with the Peloton bootcamps!

Best Peloton Classes

If you’re unfamiliar with Peloton, it’s an online workout class subscription. They first started with a stationary bike only, but have expanded into floor workouts (like yoga, strength training and bootcamp) and even have a treadmill. They’re most known for incredible cycling classes and they now have two bike options: the Peloton and the Peloton+. The biggest difference is that the screen on the Peloton+ turns so you can do floor workouts more easily. I honestly wish mine did that but the Plus wasn’t an option when I bought mine. The Peloton+ bike also has better sound, a bigger screen and is supposedly more stable. But it costs a bit more. You can also buy accessories like cycling shoes, weights, and a mat, to go with your bike.

Peloton also has a treadmill – the Tread – that I’ve heard GREAT things about.

Peloton has live classes that you can join, recorded classes to take whenever you want to, and fun a cool leaderboard to watch and compete with. I’m super competitive so I want to try to rank on that leaderboard if possible (which is super hard since SO many people are taking these classes!) I also love trying to beat my personal record.

It’s so cool that you could join a class with your friend in New York City or even London and workout together, countries apart from each other.

I’ve gotten more use out of my bike than I EVER thought I would, especially during 2020 since our gym was closed for a long time. I’ve especially loved it for the convenience since becoming a mom; I can hop on for 20 or 30 minutes while Thomas naps. And when I’m not in the mood to cycle, I do bootcamp classes. And honestly, I do those WAY more than cycling nowadays. They go by so fast, they’re a great mix of cardio and strength, and they are

I used to hate working out at home, but right now I LOVE IT.

I love having Thomas with me, being able to sneak a workout in around my other commitments, and the fact that I’m still getting an hard workout. My schedule is constantly changing, but I’m so thankful I can adapt my workouts and make sure I’m staying healthy, even when life feels chaotic.

I do have to mention that it is pricey.

We purchased the bike with a 39-month service plan (in case anything broke) and that was $2225. You can get it on Amazon for $1445.

On top of that we got two pairs of shoes ($125 each), a mat for the bike to go on ($59, now $75), and 3 lb weights that fit into a rack built onto the bike ($25).

The subtotal for all of that was $2559.

The home delivery fee was $250 (but you don’t have any other option for delivery or shipping). I didn’t order ours from Amazon, but their shipping and delivery is likely different from how ours worked.

I had a referral code from a friend for $100 that went towards the shoes, mat and weights.

Our tax was $182.86. (Each state’s tax will vary.)

So our grand total was $2891.86.

Then, after you get your bike, there is a $39 monthly charge, kind of like a gym membership fee, to access all the classes.

Not. Cheap.

But SO worth it.

Best Peloton Classes
Working out at home with baby

I have a full review about the bike and if it’s worth the price, and today I’m sharing my favorite classes (plus a few fan favorites from those I polled in my Facebook group).

Best Peloton Cycling Classes

My favorites for cycling.

Tunde Oyeneyin

Tunde’s classes are probably my all-around favorite for cycling. Her classes are super hard but they fly by since she has good music and a great class structure. Since the music is so fun, I feel like I’m able to keep up with the cadence of the cycling better, which makes me like it more, ha! I also love her personality. She’s upbeat, motivating and gives great coaching and form cues.

Olivia Amato

Olivia comes in 2nd place as an all-around favorite! Her classes are HARD HARD HARD, she has great music and her personality is upbeat without being annoying. I find Tunde gives a little more encouragement to keep going and gives more form cues which is why I like Tunde just a little more.

Cody Rigsby 

Cody’s classes are always a good time and he ALWAYS makes me laugh. If I don’t feel like working out, Cody’s classes are my go-to since they’re so fun. He has great music too. I like his Pop Rides, his XOXO rides and his Interval & Arms rides. Sometimes I feel like he gets stops and sits on the saddle a little too often which distracts me since he isn’t riding with me the entire time, but since he’s so funny, I don’t mind too much. Usually I hate when an instructor stops doing the class mid-way.

Robin Arzon

Robin is known for hard, classic workouts with great coaching. Sometimes she even makes workouts feel like meditation.

“The music brings me joy, her words are calming and just a simple reminder of good.”

“She has really classic workouts, and she also has a GREAT pregnancy collection that I loved for my stage of life.”

“I love her Greatest Showman ride!”

Matt Wilpers

I love love love his Power Zone classes. While I don’t like his music, others do so that’s just preference. As a runner, I especially love Matt’s classes since they’re formatted similarly to a lot of my marathon training workouts.

“The Power Zone Endurance rides remind me of long runs and the endorphins from them!”

“He has killer playlists and does a great job motivating us with words of encouragement and the science behind the madness.”

Alex Toussaint

My husband loves Alex’s 30-min classes since they’re really tough and have great music. Others said:

“I really like Alex’s classes for pushing me outside of my comfort zone.”

“His classes are inspiring and motivational.”

Kendall Toole

Kendall has GREAT music and a good class structure.

“I especially like her themed music rides where it’s all one artist like Billie Eilish.”

“Her 45 minute Metallica ride is my all time favorite!!”

Jen Sherman

I haven’t taken any of her classes but others said love her!

“She reminds me of spin classes I used to take in the studio.”

“Her playlists have great energy and she uses a bit of tough love. She is my favorite!”

Leanne Hainsby

I haven’t taken her classes myself, but if you like themed rides, lots recommended her Beatles ride. I’ve heard great things! She’s British and a lot of people love her accent.

Hannah Frankson

“Her classes are so well formatted and she never stops pedaling to just “talk”. I absolutely cannot stand when instructors STOP pedaling during the pushes!”

Emma Lovewell

“Her playlists are the best and I love her energy. It’s upbeat, but mellow, which works for me. And her classes are medium difficulty for me!”

Off the bike, people love her Crush Your Core program.

Ally Love

Ally has a cult following! Most of her classes are incredibly difficult and she always has great music. She’s known for being positive and upbeat! Her Sundays with Love are a popular inspirational ride.

Hannah Corbin

Her energy is more low-key than most and I appreciate her for recovery or low impact rides.

Best Peloton Yoga Classes

Peloton Yoga Classes

Bra | Leggings (I love these shorts too) | Pink Mat | Foam Roller

Chelsea Jackson Roberts

“Chelsea has an incredibly calming personality and brings a sense of peace no matter what chaos is happening in the day outside of that class.”

Kristin McGee

I really liked her prenatal yoga classes and want to try her postpartum classes. She has a lot of non-perinatal classes as well.

“Kristin is a down to earth person and I love that her classes feel that way too.”

Aditi Shah

I’ve been loving Aditi’s yoga classes!

Dennis Morton

I haven’t personally taken Dennis’s yoga classes, but lots of people said he has great flows.

In addition to yoga flow, people highly recommended the Barre and Pilates Collections.

Best Peloton Treadmill and Run classes

Peloton tread classes are very popular since they help beat treadmill boredom. I don’t love to run inside, so I haven’t tried these. But, I got some feedback from others which I shared below!

I recently did my first Tread Bootcamp where you alternate running and strength. But I don’t have a treadmill at home so I just run loops from my house and have my weights outside. I LOVE these workouts. They fly by and help me get in strength training that I need and might otherwise skip in favor of only running.

Peloton Treadmill and Run classes

Matty Maggiacomo

“Matty is a complete joy!”

“His tread/run classes are great! They fly by!”

Becs Gentry

“I love her running philosophy!”

“She makes running seem approachable to everyone.”

Jess King

“She recently started teaching tread and she is incredibly motivating.”

“Her classes are great for anyone but especially new runners.”

Best Peloton Strength Classes

I also LOVE the bike bootcamp classes. They’re similar to Tread Bootcamps but use the bike instead for the cardio portion. I don’t think I’ve done a regular ride in almost 9 months because I love these so much. The 60 minute ones kick my butt so I save them for the weekend, and during the week I like the 30 or 45 minute ones.

Adrian Williams

Adrian’s classes are tough but use simple and effective movements like squats, lunges, push-ups, etc.. I like his regular strength classes and Tread bootcamp classes. I’m always be sore afterwards!

Tunde Oyeneyin

Tunde is great if you want to get your butt kicked. I love her Bike Bootcamp and regular strength classes.

Jess Sims

Also great if you want to get your butt kicked in a bootcamp or regular strength class, although I think Tunde’s classes are slightly harder. Here are some other popular Jess Sims classes

“Flash 15 workouts. Quick, tough, efficient 15 minute strength workouts.”

“I do her Saturday 60 Tread bootcamp almost every Saturday.”

“The community she created is so welcoming, warm and fun too.”

“I love the variety in her classes but also that she has several moves you can always count on being thrown in.”

Matt Wilpers

I love the Strength for Core classes with Matt and Becs Gentry. Even the 10 minute ones go by SO fast. Doing classes like this consistently are for sure making me a better runner. I also love his post run stretch classes.

“He’s encouraging but not bubbly which is a nice change from others.”

“The outside running turkey trot was awesome – great music, great coaching and it felt like he was out there running with you.”

Cody Rigsby 

Always just a fun time!

Chase Tucker

“I really like the setup of his classes. He often does circuits where you end up doing 100 of an exercise which is a great challenge.”

Rebecca Kennedy

“She does hard core workouts!”

Olivia Amato

“I’m not sure how she makes her workouts look so easy because they are hard.”

“Her HIIT classes are great! I’m always sore after her classes.”

Becs Gentry

I love her Strength for Runners classes!

Selena Samuela 

I love Selena’s stretching classes. I’ll putting this under strength since I typically do it after my bootcamps.

Callie Gullickson

Callie is a new instructor and she only teaches strength. She’s seriously amazing. She’s funny and upbeat and her classes are great.

What’s your favorite Peloton class and/or your favorite instructor?

Peloton class favorites

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    9 responses to “Best Peloton Classes”

    1. I really love Aditi Shah’s yoga classes.. They have structure that helps me mentally anticipate what’s coming and I appreciate she uses the Hindi names for poses.

    2. Dennis’ cycling classes have good throwback music, he’s fun/silly & most importantly he lets you actually enjoy the music without constant chatter.

      Sam Yo is also a bit more mellow & soulful. His kindness feels good!

    3. Matt for cycling and Jess for strength! Tunde is also amazing.
      Bike bootcamps are my new favorite addition and I want to try more of their pilates and core! I took a couple of Olivia’s rides but wasn’t a huge fan, but I tried her again for some core classes and really liked them!
      I also love Sam’s low impact rides, he has the perfect energy for those.

    4. For Yoga, Aditi Shah (I think she makes difficult poses super accessible for beginners) & Anna Greenberg (more challenging, but she. goes for inversions & arm balances with great cues)!

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