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Run for Boston

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woah, tonight has flown by! After work, I hurried to the gym for a quick weights workout since I slept in this morning. And then I headed to Camino to meet up with a friend, Mary Jane, for a glass a wine (I realize that’s not Cleanse friendly…more on that later) and some much-needed catch-up chatting. It had been ages since I’d seen her! Our time flew by so it was almost 8 by the time I got home and almost 9 by the time I had dinner ready (an awesome very Cleanse-friendly recipe with loads of greens, asparagus, green beans, and olives). And now, here I am blogging just before I get ready for bed. I try to be in bed between 10 and 10:30…but wish it was between 9 and 9:30. Maybe someday.

Anyway, what I really wanted to tell you about tonight was last night’s Run for Boston that I attended. Over 800 people showed up to show their support.

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Before the run began, the owner of the local Fleet Feet store, Keith, shared a few words and introduced a man whose daughter was injured in the blast. Her boyfriend, who pushed her out of the way, lost his legs. And so did his brother who was with him. It was gut-wrenching to hear and my heart ached for him and his loved ones. Keith had those from Winston Salem who ran Boston this year, including a couple of my friends, go to the front of the crowd and told them, “Welcome home.” Then he had the crowd move in and asked everyone to hold hands while he read a scripture. It was a really beautiful evening…lots were choked up, including me, as we reflected on those who were impacted by the tragedy and expressed gratitude for those that were not.

Bostonphoto source

And then we ran. And while I ran, I thought about those who won’t run again. And those who will run again someday, but not without a lot of pain and suffering first. And again, I felt this huge sense of gratitude for this running family that I’m a part of, locally, nationally, and world-wide. And I still haven’t forgotten.

They had 1, 2, 3 and 5 mile courses so people of all levels in the community could participate. My friend and I did the 3 mile course. We were actually the first to finish, and the Winston-Salem Journal briefly interviewed me about why I wanted to participate. You can see the video on this page…about half way down, on the left-hand side. It’s after the interview with the guy in the yellow, who was actually at Boston this year. [Side note: I think I really have a Southern accent now….especially the last sentence. Oi.]

Afterwards, the running crowd gathered at Carolina Vineyard & Hops for additional bonding over booze. It’s a new wine bar in Winston, and it’s pretty cozy. They were donating a portion of the proceeds from the event to One Fund Boston and to help cover the medical expenses of the girlfriend, her boyfriend and his brother who were severely injured. Very cool Carolina Vineyard & Hops. You get my return business just for that.

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Side note: they have the little self-serve tasting tool that I’ve heard so much about from people who’ve seen them in [much bigger] wine bars in other cities.

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It was a great evening, and I’m so glad I was able to participate. Big thanks to Fleet Feet for organizing!

Were you able to participate in a Run for Boston event? What was your experience like? 

Do you have these fancy self-serve wine-tasting thingys in your town? 

terilyn signatureterilyn signature

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    8 responses to “Run for Boston”

    1. We DO have the awesome wine thingys at my neighborhood wine store – you just walk in, pay 10 bucks, and get a tasting of any 5 wines they have “hooked up.” It’s the lazy man’s vineyard. 😉

    2. Wow, that is amazing. As awful and sad as it is to hear about those injured on the news, hearing a personal story like that really brings it home and makes it real. I’ll keep them in my prayers.

    3. I was moved by this. Getting to know the family of those who were injured was just heartbreaking. I also love that you all get to stay for a bit at the vineyard to give you guys time to talk to your fellow runners. That was a very well-organized event. 🙂
      I joined one here too in our city. My recap is on my blog. It was fun too. I met new friend runners and walkers. It just felt great to be out there that day. 🙂 (Watched the video btw. I love the accent. :))

    4. In Raleigh we had an event on Sunday that brought out almost 3,000 people! They had to close down the streets for the fun run. It was all free and they donated a lot of money which was really great. It goes to show how strong the running community is!

      Each running store and club did smaller memorial runs as well at their usual events which was very nice. It might be a small way to give back or take a moment to remember all those affected but I think it is important.

    5. You are too cute!! I think it’s awesome that so many communities are joining together to support Boston.

    6. Keith and Emily are dear friends and I loved hearing about this event. Proud to be a part of both the Winston and running communities <3

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