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My First TV Commercial

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A few months ago, the ad agency for Samsung contacted me and asked if I would be willing to try out one of their new TVs and shoot a commercial explaining how it worked and sharing what I liked about it. Coincidentally, the shoot was in Raleigh so I took a little trip east. They put me up in a nice hotel and gave me a bag of goodies to get me through the shoot. Snacks, lotion, mints, and most importantly, wrinkle release spray. I don’t know why but getting wrinkle release spray made me feel like a legit star. 😉

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I went to the set the next day, ate breakfast with the account team, re-read my script (a lot) and then got my hair and make-up done

I met the actor and actress I’d be shooting with and promptly got nervous. It took over 4 hours to shoot a 2 minute clip. This angle, that angle, repeat repeat repeat. Talk more slowly, look here, look there, smile more. It was fun but also so hard! It turned out better than I was expecting though. 🙂

“You’re doing great! Beautiful! Perfect!” Lots of over-the-top ego boosting from the director and lots of laughing at myself and now, here we are with my first TV commercial. That is, a commercial about a TV. 🙂 They’ll be using this video in their online advertising – not TV networks – so don’t look for me during during the Super Bowl. 😉


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    59 responses to “My First TV Commercial”

    1. Hooorayyyyyy! You’re a star! I’m telling everyone you’re famous! 🙂

    2. That was too cool, Teri! You have such a nice speaking voice. You must do more commercials. 🙂 Now, I need to get me that TV!

    3. Wow, how awesome! And I mean both the Tv and the commercial. 🙂 Great job though, you are a natural!

        • I always knew you were destined for awesomeness. Dibs on your autograph when this goes viral. Business Week roomies always get the first one :).

      • omg, do I have an accent in it??? haha! Listening to it, I’m like, “I totally don’t sound Southern!” But uh, maybe I do!

    4. That is awesome TeriLyn, and almost as awesome is I HAVE this tv and didn’t even know I had this feature. It’s very cool.

    5. That was so awesome! You are a natural 🙂 Looking forward to your next big commercial 😉

    6. I’m just now getting the chance to watch this! So cool!! You were great! 🙂

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