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Book Club! (AKA Wine & Snacks Club)

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Like I mentioned in my post about learning to love my new city, I started a book club. I asked a couple of my friends if they were interested, and then they invited a few of their friends and soon enough, we had a group! We had our first meeting last week just to get to know everyone, discuss what would be our first book, and how often we’d meet.

I hosted our first meeting and hit up Trader Joe’s hard for some finger food. I tried to get a mix of sweet, savory, creamy, crunchy, warm and room temperature. 🙂SAM_1656

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  • macaroons (freezer section)
  • milk chocolate jumbles with pecans & quinoa (Go buy these. Go buy these immediately.)
  • water crackers
  • salami
  • goat gouda
  • spinach & cheese stuffed mushrooms, which were still in the oven when I took this picture(freezer section)
  • Dark Horse red blend wine (my go-to for parties; everyone seems to like it!)

I also snagged some fresh flowers while I was at Trader Joe’s and picked up some gluten-free crackers (Nut Thins) from Harris Teeter. I had some flavored honey on hand too that I put out in case people (i.e. me) wanted to drizzle it on their cheese. And everyone who came showed up with something in hand – more wine, paper plates, utensils – so we had our bases covered!

It was fun just chatting and hanging out, and we finally got around to discussing book club logistics. We’re reading Girl on the Train first (I’ve heard so many good things!) and are going to meet every 6 weeks or so. And, we’re hoping we can pair our book club with a local wine tasting or other event in Charlotte instead of going to someone’s house each time. (Paula had that great idea!)

I think the hardest part will be carving out time to read the book! I used to read voraciously (I used to get in trouble as a kid for staying up too late to read…ha!), but it’s so hard to make time these days. It’ll be a good way to enforce some down time in my life though! (Especially since I’m still in a book club in Winston-Salem so I have two books to get through. We’re reading All the Light We Cannot See.)

Are you in a book club? Whether yes or no, whatcha reading these days? I keep a list of books I want to read and I love adding new ones to it!

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    14 responses to “Book Club! (AKA Wine & Snacks Club)”

    1. I’ve always wanted to join a book club but haven’t. I think maybe when my daughter is a bit older I’ll be able to make the time. Although- confession time- the minute I “have” to read something I don’t want to read it! Ugh.

    2. My book club (wine club) discussed All The Light We Cannot See last month. At the start I only knew one person in my club – the woman who organized us – but they’ve become a very close group of friends in the 3 years we’ve been meeting. I hope you grow to have an equally wonderful group.

    3. I would LOVE to be in a book club! I am still relatively new to Washington so I don’t know a ton of people yet.. and the friends I have aren’t readers 😉 All the Light We Cannot See was really good!! Let me know how The Girl On the Train is!

    4. Not in a book club, but love recommendations so book club posts are great. Just started All the Light We Cannot See.

      From fellow dog lover to another, I read Off The Leash by Matthew Gilbert. It’s based in my city which adds bonus points but such a sweet and quick feel good read.

        • I cried with that one too! Not to spoil anything, but the only tears you will shed will be happy/sappy tears.

    5. I’ve been in a book club for almost 3 years-I’m averaging maybe actually finishing 3 books (of 12…eeek!) each year. I always have good intentions but before I know it, it’s book club time and I’m still only 12 pages in.

      Can’t wait to hear how The Girl on the Train is. I wanted to read it and accidentally bought Girl on a Train on my kindle. Whoops! hahaha.

      • ha! I’m always the one who hasn’t read the book either! But since I’m leading one book club and my other one is super small (only 3 people!), I can’t be that person anymore. Send help! 😉

    6. I finished The Girl on the Train a couple of months ago and just started All the Light We Cannot See. I’m currently not in a book club, but I think it would be fun to join one!

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