You’ll love this healthy peppermint ice cream! It takes just two minutes to make in your food processor and “nice cream” is so much better for you than regular ice cream!
I love ice cream. You guys know that. But I really love peppermint ice cream. One of my holiday highlights is when the limited edition of Edy’s/Dreyer’s peppermint ice cream hits stores in November.
My family knows of my obsession. One time in high school, my brothers tried to mock me by scooping nearly the entire contents of a half gallon container into my bowl and serving it to me during dessert. Joke was on them: I didn’t put any back. Although, maybe the joke was on me…check out that hair. Eek.
This year, when I bought my first container (usually of many), I was disappointed. It had a weird texture – kind of gummy – and the flavor tasted more like chemicals than peppermint. A quick glance at the ingredients revealed all sorts of gunk that shouldn’t be in ice cream. So until I get my hands on the Whole Foods all-natural variety, I’ve come up with my own peppermint “ice cream” fix.
{Note: I made my own peppermint simple syrup using Heather’s recipe. I’ve been using this coffee and hot chocolate too.}
I didn’t have a candy cane around (the horror, I know) when I made this most recent batch so these pictures are sans peppermint crunch. Still tasty without it, but much better with.
The creaminess of banana ice “cream” just can’t be beat.
It’s tastes much better if you eat it with a very small spoon. I promise.
The next time I make this, I’m going to try it without cocoa…I’m curious if the peppermint simple syrup with cover up the banana flavor and be closer to the original flavor I crave or if it will be a kitchen disaster.
By the way, Maizey got a Christmas present early that she wants to show you.Behold the puppa coat. Poor thing would shiver on our walks and when we went camping, so we got her this doggy jacket. She walks like a total goof in it but at least she’s warm.
Do you have a favorite holiday ice cream? Egg nog? Pumpkin? Peppermint? Obviously, my favorite is peppermint.
What are your thoughts on clothes for dogs? I think it’s hilarious to put headbands on Maizey or old shirts, but it lasts about as long as it takes to snap a picture. Besides, she’s too wound up to handle anything on her for long. And I would never dress my dog up for style. But this jacket serves a much-needed purpose so it’s justified. But she does look pretty cute in it, right?? (My mother is shaking her head and my dad is saying, “Dogs don’t wear clothes. And they belong outside.”)
P.S. If you are a new reader resulting from the article in the Winston Salem Journal today, WELCOME!!! Thank you for stopping by! Please stick around and leave some comments. I love to hear from my readers and to hear from locals.
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40 responses to “2 Minute Chocolate Peppermint Ice Cream”
I’m a big pumpkin ice cream fan. One of my distant relatives actually invented peppermint stick ice cream!
Oh my gosh YUM!!
I think eating with small spoons is always key 😉 We have been wanting some for a long time now!
Since I do not have a dog I can not really say but one of my older sisters puts a shirt on her dog every once in awhile. I think it is cute, but unsure if I would be a person who would do it all the time 😉 They always look cute though!!
Honestly, I don’t think I’ve ever tried peppermint ice cream, but this recipe sounds really tasty! I will definitely have to make it. I did try Trader Joe’s pumpkin ice cream, but I could only eat it one spoonful at a time because it was so rich….I’m not sure I recommend it.
I agree, I LOVE the minty ice cream!! That looks so good. If I didn’t just bake tons of cookies, I would totally go and make that. I think your dog looks so cute haha! I think clothes for dogs are entertaining, but I don’t take it seriously.
I’m making eggnog “ice cream” tonight with frozen bananas and nutmeg because of YOU. Thanks a lot. 🙂
i absolutely love peppermint! i’m using peppermint bark in everything these days. 🙂
Gah, why didn’t I think of this recipe? It’s so simple and delicious sounding! My uncle has a boxer and I’m so tempted to get him that “puppa coat” but he lives in New Orleans and I’m pretty sure people don’t need coats there, let alone dogs.
love this!!
I have been wanting to buy the peppermint ice cream forever now. I think I need to get on it right away! 🙂
Ooh, I want to try this.
I guess if dogs are cold, I can understand the need for clothes, but I think it’s silly when people just dress them up for no reason. Around Halloween I was listening to someone on the radio that was saying that dogs get embarrassed when you put Halloween costumes on them and people laugh at them. I’m not sure how the person actually knew this, but I can understand.
I used to be a huge ice cream fan, but since pregnancy I just don’t feel it. The holiday cookies though? Oh, those have been all too dangerous. Think I can make those with a frozen banana? 😀
Ooooh, I love this idea for the chocolate peppermint ice cream. I always have frozen banana in the freezer, so this could be a go tonight! Yes, I have to admit, I have taken to dressing my dog for the same reason you have- he’s cold! We got him a red sweater, and he has a snuggie too. I just want him to be warm, even if he looks totally silly!
I love peppermint stick as well…with hot fudge and peanuts for added indulgence! 🙂 I like the idea of making ice cream using frozen bananas. Gonna have to give it a whirl.
Oooh, your ice cream sounds fantastic. I can’t wait to try it!
Funny, I just bought my Boxer a very similar jacket ( At first she hated it, but now, I think she’s gotten used to being warm and she actually brings it to me when she wants to go outside. Next up — boots!
I went ALL OVER TOWN looking for that peppermint ice cream. I agree that it was kinda gummy, but I still really do love the peppermint flavor! This recipe looks good though…have you seen any peppermint ice cream recipes to throw in the ice cream maker? I might give that a try too.
Try HEB for the peppermint ice cream Rach!
I currently have two half gallon tubs in my freezer.
i adore your spoon…where did you get it?!
Puppa coat, I think my dog would have a fit, but I would love to try out those little booties, lol.
GREAT recipe:)
What a great idea! I’m excited to make this! 🙂
The ice cream looks delicious! I don’t have a favorite holiday ice cream flavor, but since I love alllll things pumpkin, I bet I’d be a huge fan. Have you ever tried it?
P.S. That picture of Maizey is adorable – usually I’m not a huge fan of dogs in clothes (well, actually I’m never a fan haha), but how can I resist that puppy face? 🙂
I used to be a Egg Nog ice Cream (Dreyer’s slow-churned), but then I read the ingredients, and decided that I needed an ice cream with less chemicals! Until the “Scoops” brand comes out with an egg nog flavor, I am sticking with Blueberry Pie as my favorite flavor – and I can buy it year round!
Ahh you were in the paper?! Cool!!!
Oh my gosh Edy’s peppermint ice cream is my all time fave, but I have gotten any this year yet- I can just make my own now!! 🙂
I love banana ice cream and never would have thought to add peppermint or cocoa powder.
I’m going to make this when I get home from the holiday!
Peppermint is my holiday favorite…mmm peppermint bark!
You are such a big deal. That ice cream sounds yummy. I don’t think I have the talent or patience to make my own. And I don’t even know what a small or large food processor does or looks like. But I like you.
Great minds think alike! I recently made my own version of Peppermint Chip from Banana Soft Serve. I think it does the deed!
mmmm cant wait to dry this delicious [EASY] looking recipe!!!
I don’t think I havea favorite holiday ice cream, but if I had to pick I’d probably say pumpkin or chocolate peppermint. The only ice cream I typically eat around Christmas is a big scoop of vanilla bean with warm apple pie. Yum.
Thanks for sharing this recipe! It’s healthy, easy to make, and looks delicious!
Merry Christmas : )
Peppermint ANYTHING is my weakness. I literally hoard all peppermint flavored things in my house until about April. It’s ridic.
I haven’t done the banana soft serve thing in a while so I will have to give this a whirl!
PS Your dog is hilarious.
I think putting coats on them for the purpose of warmth is just fine. My father disagrees though. We have a yellow lab and golden retriever, the golden is like a snow dog with all her hair. Cooper, our yellow lab definitely shivers when it snows.
Maizey is too cute! I want to find one of those yellow rain jackets for Joe. He always gets so wet when we walk in the rain. There’s no way of getting away from the rain in Washington though.
LOVE banana soft serve ice cream! Yours looks uber creamy and delicious. I kinda forgot about banana soft serve – thanks for the reminder of it! Merry Christmas Teri!
Have toughened star bucks peppermint white chocolate mocha latte?! I love it. It’s a tree but I found one at Saxby’s same thing sugar free!
If I dont have a food processor, is there another way to mix it all?? would a blender work or would it be to liquidy?
hmmm…a blender might work…depends on how powerful it is. I’ve never tried it myself. Give it a whirl!
Blender definitely works! I used mine!
Oh goodness! i ate that much ice cream last night!
That looks good!
We just bought a food processor for my mom for christmas! ( okay i admit i was the initiator for that gift!;))
Your boxer is darling– my dad has one that looks similar…though yours looks a lot smarter. When the weather gets cold, I’m a sucker for pumpkin or eggnog anything.
I am also a Peppermint Ice Cream lover- it took it a while to come out in my grocery store and I was getting anxious for a while there. I didn’t look at the ingredients however didn’t notice a difference in the Edy’s ice cream taste from last year. Love it! I’ll have to try to Whole Foods brand and compare. I even wrote a post on it when it came out –>
Great Blog!! So excited I found it. Been on the journey to cooking healthier and getting healthier. But, dang, if this Southern Cooking doesn’t hinder the progress. So, with that being said, thank you for merging them as I am trying to do on my blog. Seems I may be just up the road from you as well. Funny. Happy New Year! Cute Pup btw. 🙂