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The Weekender

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Hiiii! I hope you’ve had a great weekend. Mine has been fun – I had a great run, did some shopping at J.Crew and got to spend some time with a bestie. Maizey had a play date with Annie the Bulldog (who is not so little anymore) and I got to hang out with Annie’s mom, Allison.

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However, I’m feeling a little under the weather this evening. So it’s 9 PM and I’m already in bed. After this post goes up, I’ll read a little more of the Steve Jobs biography and turn off the lights, hopefully before 9:30. I love turning out the lights before 10. It feels so indulgent.


The Week in Fitness

S – Elliptical 40 minutes

M – Body Pump

T – Run (3 miles in 23 minutes)

W – Rest

Th – Run (4 miles in 31 minutes, last two miles at 7:10 and 7:22 min/mile pace!)

F – very gentle yoga…more like a stretching class

S – 12 mile run in 1 hour, 36 minutes (average 8:01 pace, with negative splits that last 5 miles, a mid- to low-7 min mile)

good night! 🙂

What time do you go to bed? I try to be in bed by 10, but it’s usually closer to 10:30 or 11.

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    17 responses to “The Weekender”

    1. Ugh, I keep thinking all those pics are just “unflattering angles.” I’m coming to realize that Annie is just a chunker.

    2. Lately, I’ve been hittin’ the hay around 9pm. It sounds good, but my body hasn’t yet adjusted to Mountain Time yet, so it’s really 11pm. Anything before midnight is a win, though!

    3. Bedtime is later than it should be – usually between 11:30 and midnight.

      Off to read about sweeteners! I can’t tolerate the artificials anyway, so I wonder what else I need to take off of my list?

    4. I am so glad Jill introduced me to your blog! I can’t believe you’ve been blogging for 11 years! I’ve only been blogging (publicly) for a week and already find it so fun and therapeutic. Thanks for the great links- the Tim Ferriss one was especially interesting.

    5. On work nights, I try and get into bed for 10pm at the latest. Weekends if we are at home I might stay up until 11pm, a real party animal over here 😉 haha

    6. I have an alarm on my laptop that says, “Go to bed!” that goes off at 9:15. I try to make my way upstairs by 9:30, but usually read in bed until 10. I might be going to bed in just a few minutes tonight though – I’m exhausted!

    7. oooooohh, haters gonna hate. loved the line collin powell quote in there about mediocrity. i believe mediocrity to be the 8th deadly sin.

      i’m thisclose to signing up for the timpanogos half marathon. what?!

    8. I may or may not have gone to bed 3 times before 9pm last week 🙂 9:30 is my usual time. I get up at 5:30 to run before work, and it takes me awhile to fall asleep and I wake up 3-4 times a night, so I need that time in bed. My husband goes to bed at 9:30 with me, however, he gets up at 3:30 to study!

    9. love the tug of war action! and thanks for the link love, so glad you found those articles interesting 🙂
      we try to go to bed at 10:30 but ends up being 11 or later.

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