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Thanksgiving Recap

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Happy holiday season! I can’t believe Thanksgiving was almost a week ago!! We had such a lovely weekend in Pinehurst with Tommy’s parents. It was so relaxing and the weather was absolutely gorgeous. I got a lot of activity in, which is nice since I sit all day most days. I went on two long runs – an 8 miler on Thanksgiving and a 9 miler on Saturday – did yoga on Friday at Hot Asana Yoga in Southern Pines, and took lots of long walks with Maizey and Mary, Tommy’s mom.

similar shirt + vest + +sports bra + hat + earbuds

I couldn’t get over how beautiful the neighborhood was. All the trees were in full fall peak color!

I absolutely love cooking on Thanksgiving Day and Maizey decided she wanted to help this year too.

shoes + skirt + turtleneck

All my favorite things on my plate!

And after dinner, we watched the National Dog Show. Maizey is always the winner in my book though.

shoes + skirt + Tommy’s pants

On Friday night, Tommy and I had a date night at Ironwood Cafe and had so much fun laughing together. He’s truly my best friend and I feel SO lucky that I not only love Tommy, but that I really, truly LIKE him. Both are important.

Tommy and his dad played golf most days, and I joined them on the driving range one afternoon and played a couple holes with them on Sunday. It was an absolutely BEAUTIFUL day on a beautiful course, and I love spending time with Tommy and his dad out there. We have so much fun and his dad is one of the best people I know. (Like father like son.)

And I could watch Tommy play golf all day. It makes my heart flutter. 😉

We were matching SO hard on our last day there. 🙂 And while I won the wishbone, there’s really nothing more I could wish for in life right now. I’m so blessed. (The real winner was Tommy’s dad in this video of the wishbone pull.)

  My pants + golf shirt + similar jacket + loafers || Tommy’s pants + shirt + sweater + loafers

We all hated to leave, perhaps Maizey most of all. She gets spoiled rotten by Tommy’s parents. His dad walked her every morning and his mom made bacon for her every morning and fed her turkey every day for lunch. And she loves sunbathing on the deck. 🙂

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