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Pressed Melted Tuna Wrap & Massaged Kale Salad

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I always forget about tuna salad, which is a shame since it’s a cheap source of protein and it’s delicious.

So I revived my limp celery. (Did you know you can stick depressed celery in a class of water – chop the ends off first – and it will perk back up?) Then I diced up two stalks.


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I combined 2 heaping tablespoons of the Cow and 2 teaspoons of Emeril.  DSC_0898-1

Drained my white albacore tuna and mixed it all together with some black pepper and a teensy dash of cayenne.  DSC_0891

I love white sharp cheddar. And I love New York. So this was essential.DSC_0902-1

Whole wheat tortilla (from the freezer section of Whole Foods so it’s not full of scary stuff) + tuna salad + cheese.DSC_0904-1

Make George press it. Melty melty yummy yummy.DSC_0910

Served with two stalks of massaged kale and a nice long carrot. Pretty well balanced meal, I’d say. DSC_0914

Tuna Salad
  • 1 (7 oz) can of white albacore tuna in water (not oil), drained
  • 2 T plain non-fat yogurt (Brown Cow makes my favorite plain variety) or greek yogurt
  • 2 t mustard of your choice
  • 1/3 chopped celery
  • dash of cayenne pepper
  • freshly ground pepper to taste
  • 2 whole wheat tortillas


  1. Combine all ingredients (duh) and divide between the tortillas.
  2. Fold in the sides and roll up. Press in your George Forman grill (or on a skillet with a another skillet on top of your wrap for weight) until the cheese melts.

Serves 2

Massaged Kale
  • 4 stalks kale
  • drizzle of olive oil (maybe about a teaspoon?)
  • salt and pepper


  1. Rinse and dry your kale (I used my salad spinner).
  2. Tear into bite sized pieces, discarding the hard stalk in the middle and place in a large bowl.
  3. Drizzle olive oil over kale and get your hands in there and massage it. This softens it up so it’s tastier.
  4. Sprinkle with a little sea salt and black pepper to taste.
  5. Wonder why I even gave you directions since it’s exactly what it sounds like. But I remember once upon a time I didn’t know what massaged kale meant. 🙂

Serves 2

Pressed Melted Tuna Wrap & Massaged Kale Salad

Do you like tuna? What’s your favorite tuna salad combo? I also love cherry tomatoes in tuna salad.

Do you like kale chips or raw, massaged kale better? I prefer massaged kale.

I can’t stand watching Emeril. Anyone else?


If you are interested in more salad recipes, check out my “how to build a better salad” e-book! 

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    36 responses to “Pressed Melted Tuna Wrap & Massaged Kale Salad”

    1. I can’t eat tuna. I’ve never had it, but I can’t get past the smell. I want to, but I just can’t. I am not a fan of Emeril either. He’s sort of a local guy – family nearby – so I always thought I should be a fan, but he’s just not for me.
      .-= Becky´s last blog ..The Day That Got Away =-.

    2. Hi Teri, I recently discovered your blog through the blog roll at Heather’s Dish, and just wanted to tell you that I love it! Just thought I’d let you know…:) Your wrap also looks really yummy. Warm, melty cheese makes any sandwich/wrap better.

      As far as my fav tuna combo goes, I like mashing it with avocado, mustard, pecans, and grapes! A nice mix of savory and sweet minus the evil that is mayo…I hate mayo!
      .-= Lindsay @ Summit Sandwiches´s last blog ..Made of Molasses =-.

    3. I agree with Becky above. I can’t get past the smell of tuna to actually eat it! Thanks for the save the celery tip…..I didn’t know that!
      .-= Emilyeatsclean´s last blog ..Supersize Me =-.

    4. BAM!! That’s enough to scare you to change the channel.

      OK – my tuna is pathetic compared to this awesomeness. I have never, sadly, tried yogurt. The simplicity in your recipe is perfect. Always nice knowing I already have these things in my cupboard. And the press, brilliant!
      .-= Nichole´s last blog ..Working Out – Group or Solo? =-.

    5. Can’t believe you don’t like kale chips more!!! Ahhhh. I love kale in any form..kale chips are pretty amazing. I have never really massaged the kale though…just tossed in a salad raw or sauteed with other stuff. I haven’t had tuna in awhile…I’m not sure if I’m eating it or not anymore…I’m kind of on the fence about fish and not really craving it, so I haven’t eaten any. We’ll see!
      .-= Ashley´s last blog ..this + that + then some =-.

    6. I love tuna sandwiches. I don’t have them nearly enough (which bums out my kitties because they love the tuna juice!). I put pickle, mustard, mayo, pepper and celery in it. My friend adds raisins to hers. Delicious!
      .-= Lisa´s last blog ..What I’d Do Differently =-.

    7. OMG yum yum yum!! I never thought about using my George as a press – I thought i had to buy a panini press, but that is a great alternative!! And I am no fan of Emeril. I like Rachel Ray! 🙂
      .-= Jennifer´s last blog ..Updates & Whatnot =-.

    8. I loooooove tuna!! I told you about the time my dad sent me 24 cans of tuna in the mail for my birthday, right? haha. I’m sure the shipping cost twice as much as the tuna! But seriously, I love it. What’s weird is that I never think to make “tuna salad” with it. I usually just add a little bit of mayo…but using yogurt is a much better option, and I also loooove mustard! And white cheddar! In other words, I’ll be making this soon. <3
      .-= Courtney´s last blog ..Encore… =-.

    9. Haha, so stoked you threw the recipe in for massaged kale. I feel like I’ve been seeing it everywhere and was really curious what exactly it was. I’m still totally afraid of kale though! Any good recommendations for a beginning kale eater?? It still seriously freaks me out that people eat it regularly, but there must be something to it since I see it all over the blogosphere!

    10. I’m a massively huge fan of tuna, and I like it spicy – I’ll mix it up with Greek yogurt, Sriracha, green onions, and a bit of shredded coconut – gives it a Thai flavor and a nice, rich, red and green color combo. Festive and tasty!

      As for kale, I’ll take it any which way – chipped, massaged, boiled, salad-ed – yum!

    11. I was just looking at an Emeril recipe for tuna melts which looked fantastic but like you, cannot stand watching him. He’s a little too animated for my taste. And I’m a little too animated so me saying that is pretty bad.

      I love tuna salad–I usually mix with light mayo, dijon, celery, onion, paprika and when I’m feeling motivated-hardboiled eggs. I’ve never tried kale chips but see it all over the blog world. One of these days I tell ya!
      .-= Tiffany @ Simply Shaka´s last blog ..Two Dresses =-.

    12. That’s such a great tip for celery!
      My go to tuna salad is simply tuna, chopped onion and celery, a little bit of mayo on toasted ezekiel bread. Yummmm.
      PS: I change the channel every time Emeril comes on.
      .-= Lexie´s last blog ..Je voidrais une bicyclette =-.

    13. I don’t eat tuna but always ordered tuna melts at a pub we used to go to growing up in Soho. I loved it so much, but don’t miss eating it.

      I love kale pretty much all ways, so chips and massaged are both favorites.

      Ugh, Emeril KILLS me…all the annoying sounds, no thanks.
      .-= claire´s last blog ..local mags. =-.

    14. haha your celery makes an excellent bouquet for a table! 🙂 yogurt in tuna salad is definitely the way to go. that’s how i make my chicken salad too. love healthy options!
      .-= christina´s last blog ..God Bless a Chick Pea =-.

    15. That looks good! I do like tuna but I don’t eat it very much.. when I ate dairy my favorite way to eat it was in a tuna melt. So.good. Until I find that Daiya cheese I’ll just have to keep dreaming about it.

      I’ve never watched Emeril so I have no idea if I like him or not but I hear he’s supposed to be pretty popular.
      .-= highonhealthy´s last blog ..Yam? Sweet potato? Say what? =-.

    16. WHOA! I had no that you could do that with celery! Great tip!

      I seriously want an ice cream maker. I think I need to wait until I’m not sharing a kitchen with 3 other people. 😉 My appliances are kind of taking over the place!

    17. I used to strongly dislike tuna except for in its raw form in sushi. For some reason, tuna in any other form (on sandwiches, salad, etc.) grossed me out! I think the smell reminded me of cat food. But slowly, I am getting used to it and it is a great thing to have as part of your diet so I am looking for more ways to work it in.

    18. teri, i finally tried greek yogurt (chobani) and LOVE it.

      i think you should do a post with your top 15 must-have staples for the kitchen. i would definitely subscribe to your recommendations.


    19. I learned an additional secret to massaging kale…..add a few breadcrumbs (gluten-free are fine) to the kale, oil, salt, vinegar/lemon juice….the bread crumbs help the oil and acid stick to the kale, so it works better instead of pooling at the bottom! Oh, and really massage it using your hands. After a couple o hours, it’s delicious and so tender.

    20. My new favorite way to prep kale for a salad: rip/chop the kale and put it in a zip bag. Add 3T each of lemon juice, bread crumbs and olive oil and 1T of honey. Mix well. Squeeze the air out and refrigerate for at least 2 hours. THe bread crumbs help keep the liquids attached to the kale and from sinking to the bottom. Then top with whatever goodies you want. The last one I did was strawberries, parmesan cheese, pistachios and avocado. The kale shrinks down to a fraction of its normal volume and my hubby has NO IDEA how much raw kale he’s really eating!!

      • That sounds AMAZING. I love the idea of making it in a zip bag! I don’t have gf breadcrumbs…I guess I could just toast some GF and put it in the food processor?

        I’m trying this method this week! I have a GIANT bunch of kale to go through.

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