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Last week’s Workouts

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Happy Sunday! I hope you’ve had a nice weekend. Mine has been full but really fun. Friday night, Tommy and I got together with some previous coworkers of mine for some Teeter Thai (my first time having it since moving back!) and a visit to one of my very favorite spots in Winston, Aperture Cinema. We saw Mr. Holmes, which was about Sherlock Holmes in his later years. We all really loved it – definitely recommend it — and if you’re local and haven’t visited Aperture, you have to check it out. Cool vibe, great shows, and beer + wine!


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On Saturday, I took Maizey for a morning walk and then headed out for a run. I was planning to take it really easy since I also wanted to do CrossFit, but I ended up averaging about a 7:30 min/mile. It was one of those days where running just felt easy, which I LOVE since that hasn’t happened almost all year.

I’m so so so grateful to be back in a running groove after really struggling to run in Charlotte. It’s amazing how much a state of mind can impact your fitness and health. I now realize just how stressed out I was in Charlotte and how homesick I was for Winston, and I didn’t feel like myself or feel like doing any of my favorite past times. I knew I’d be happy moving back to Winston, but I can’t believe just how happy I am to be back and how I feel like myself again. I’m sure the feeling of awe will wear off eventually, but I’m still in this phase of being so grateful to be back and am not taking it for granted how great Winston is and how much I enjoy life here.

Anyway…I had an awesome workout at Top Tier CrossFit after my run. I love Saturdays at CrossFit because they’re almost always partner workouts (at all CrossFit gyms, I think?). Partner workouts make it go by faster and help me push myself more. And they’re just fun and a great way to develop friendships at the gym. My partner, Alisha and I, were a great team. The workout was 20 minutes, and each partner alternated doing 2 wall balls, 2 box jumps. Then each person did 4 wall balls, 4 box jumps each. Then 6 and 6, etc. We got up to 18 of each, which I felt great about considering I’m sooooo bad at wall balls. I was toast by the end. And then I came home and ate toast (plus lots of other food. I was starving!).

Tommy and I went to the pool with some friends Saturday afternoon and then to a birthday party that night. I wasn’t feeling great so we didn’t stick around too long. This morning we went to church and then lunch at Willow’s Bistro (goat cheese grits!!!!) with some friends (other previous coworkers!). Life is full and wonderful.

Alright, onto the workout recap!

M – ran 3.6 miles (7:55 pace) + CrossFit

“DT”, a Hero WOD: 5 rounds for time. I finished in 8:47, scaled weight to 55#
12 Deadlifts
9 Hang power cleans
6 Push jerks

Deadlifts at Top Tier

Tommy’s brother was in town from California and it was my first time meeting him. He does CrossFit too (at Bob Harper’s gym!) so we all worked out together, which was really fun. Group picture at Top Tier

Tommy RX’d the workout at 155# and finished under the 15 minute time cap. I think he wanted to die by the end. 😀TT at TT

T – 20 minutes on the elliptical
I should have skipped this workout. I had to leave Winston early to go to Charlotte for work for the day and was up way too late the night before and should have just slept in. My body needed rest more than it needed to sweat. Lesson learned.

W – ran 4 miles @ 7:47 pace

Th – ran 6 miles, 8:09 pace
Holy cow, it was SO humid on this run. My clothes were DRENCHED by the time I got back. I ran part of my old regular running route, which was really fun. Except for the part where I had to run up this really long and steep hill (Glade Street for you locals) to get back home (that wasn’t part of my old route!). Oof.

F – CrossFit

For Time: I finished in 17:55
Row 500 Meters, 20 Lunges, Run 500 Meters
Row 400 Meters, 20 Lunges, Run 400 Meters
Row 300 Meters, 20 Lunges, Run 300 Meters
Row 200 Meters, 20 Lunges, Run 200 Meters
Row 100 Meters, 20 Lunges, Run 100 Meters

I’m terrible at rowing but we did a few rowing drills at the beginning of class which were really helpful. I’ve been told I have a disadvantage at rowing since I’m so short (5’1”) so I felt pretty good about how I finished in this workout! The coaches at Top Tier are really great. Super helpful and friendly too.

Sa – 4 mile run, 7:30 pace + CrossFit (partner WOD describe above). This picture also depicts it pretty well. partner WOD

Su – rest!

If you do CrossFit, how do you feel about partner WODs? Love ‘em or hate ‘em?

If you don’t do CrossFit, tell me about your best workout last week. I love hearing what you guys are up to! It inspires me to mix things up!

Photo cred: All the CrossFit pictures came from Top Tier’s Facebook page!

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    8 responses to “Last week’s Workouts”

    1. if you only knew how much you motivate me!! I so badly want to try crossfit, they don’t offer daycare. 😉 this week I tried two new classes… Barre & Ripped (mix of kickboxing & weights) I waddled all weekend haha! Just curious do you take any supplements?

      • Ah that’s so nice of you to say! I’m happy I can motivate you!! That’s tough with not having childcare options!

        Barre & Ripped sounds insane!

        Nope, I don’t take any supplements. I occasionally use protein powder in smoothies or after a workout if I won’t be eating soon!

    2. Yup! Saturdays at our gym are Bring a Friend Day! You can bring anybody that’s interested and it’s always a partner or team workout with mostly basic or body weight movements that someone new can do. I rarely go to them because I’m usually running off somewhere or away for the weekend and if I’m not… I’m just so happy I can actually sleep in haha.

    3. Been doing Crossfit for almost 5 years! Love it. My old box did partner wod’s on Saturday’s but my current (for approx. 3 yrs now) does not…We have an LT (less technical class,) Strength (just lifting,) and often a HERO wod. You can choose which to attend based on time (8:30, 9:30, or 10:30) – The LT class is always mistaken for an “easy” class which it is NOT it simply doesn’t involve oly lifts – which also usually makes it a CARDIO burner!!

    4. I’m AMAZED at your running pace. Awesome!!
      I’m doing my fourth half marathon in Nov. and I really want to crush it except I’m running at 8:45 pace. Any magical tips (besides sprints and tempo runs)? Hoping for 8:20 pace. Thanks!!

    5. Our box does partner WODs on Saturday, too! My husband and I usually team up because we don’t get to work out together much during the week. Plus, his arms are much stronger than mine, so occasionally he’ll do more pull-ups/push-ups/etc. and I’ll gladly take extra leg work to offset it. 🙂 The picture where you’re standing over Tommy (impressed by his Rx!!) made me laugh a little because we’re usually both laid out on the floor after our partner workouts. Overall, I love partner WODs! They usually have a built in break which means you can push a little harder when you’re working.

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